AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Thinkbox Software Seeks Beta Testers for Bermuda

Seeking Beta Testers
Thinkbox Software is seeking qualified testers for Bermuda. Bermuda is an interactive ocean and wave modeling package for 3ds Max. A qualified tester is someone with access to 3ds Max 2010 with an interest in creating ocean imagery.

To request access to the beta, send an email to with a brief note describing your interest. If selected, you will receive further instructions for accessing the beta.

About Bermuda
Bermuda is a highly customizable deep ocean simulation tool set. Ocean modeling in Bermuda begins by providing a view-adaptive ocean mesh which spans to the horizon and preserves fine detail near the camera. On top of that, Bermuda applies a powerful normal map which fills in the finer wave details not captured by the mesh. Normal maps are fully supported in VRay, mental ray, finalRender, Brazil and Scanline.

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