Tile Assembler doesn't support Multi-Part EXR files

Playing with the VRay output and using the VRayOptionRE to control EXR2.0 settings. Submitted a job without tiles, saves fine with all layers.

Submit as Tiled, the tiles have multi-channels, the combined image does not (and is significantly smaller than it should be).

Occasionally we use Tile Rendering with images that go to Nuke so even though Photoshop wouldn’t see any benefits from multi-part, we could still see a benefit.

I’ve passed off a request for EXR 2.0. Would you be willing to pass along an example? Just a scene file of some description and the EXRs would be very helpful here.

Here’s some multi-part exr files for you to have a go with. Lots of software doesn’t support then like DJV and early PDPlayer. Photoshop needs the fNord proEXR to be able to see the layers (and I’ve even had to submit a bug to him about the way it separates RGB to three channels).
Test_multi_part_tile_1x1_2x2_.0000.zip (12.6 MB)

Thanks sir! It does look like we’re using the OpenEXR 2.2 library, there’s just some grunt work to make Draft use it correctly. This should help when we have a chance to dig in.

Do Chaosgroup give you access to support the vrimg format with the Tile Assembler?? And if so is this ever planned?

A bit off topic, but I don’t think we’ve investigated. I’ll open an issue and have a quick chat. Feel free to open a fresh thread and we can go through it there.

Just bumping this one to see if it ever got any love?

No movement and I don’t see many others asking for it which is odd.

I’m interested and I know lots of others who are also, exporting standalone vrscene’s and the export pipeline for tiling multi layered / deep images to vrimg / openexr

I’m hoping for a standalone VFB which will allow the image /post /lens effects etc to be tweaked, (more of a chaos thing though)

Usually means the user reverts back to DR render rather than tiling.


Yeah, there is interest in removing this limitation. Not using multi-part works or merging in Nuke, but draft tile assembly with multipart would be amazing. Thanks for making it free too!

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