Tile assembler won't assemble EXR rendered tile set

For some reason the Tile Assembler won’t assemble my tile set (render as EXR in Mental Ray for Maya)

Could it be that TileAssembler doesn’t like some EXR compressions?

That could be possible… does the render log contain any error messages

that you can send us?


  • Ryan

Well, that’s the odd thing, no errors in the log whatsoever

When i run TileAssembler with a verbose level of 5 it first verifies all tiles but just gives the following when it actually has to start assembling the tiles:

ERROR: File “Z:\Projects\bol\maya_project\images\bol_hiphop_03\color\tiles\bol_h

iphop_03_color.0001.exr_tile_1x1_4x4_” could not be loaded (Error code 0).

Okay, just renamed the files to .exr which seems to work.

It seems TileAssembler doesn’t know it is dealing with exr files and needs the .exr extention.

But, now it throws another error:

The fully assembled image is 14028 by 19848

Reading the channels from “Z:\Projects\bol\maya_project\images\bol_hiphop_03\col


channel A (1)

channel B (1)

channel G (1)

channel R (1)

Reading the header attributes from “Z:\Projects\bol\maya_project\images\bol_hiph


attribute channels (chlist)

attribute comments (string)

attribute compression (compression)

attribute dataWindow (box2i)

attribute displayWindow (box2i)

attribute lineOrder (lineOrder)

attribute pixelAspectRatio (float)

attribute screenWindowCenter (v2f)

attribute screenWindowWidth (float)

attribute tiles (tiledesc)

Allocating memory for image data.

ERROR: bad allocation

Now, the strange is, the image width and height are read incorrect, it thinks the image size is 14028 by 19848, but it actually is 3507 x 4962.

Does .exr store dpi values? because i think we changed the dpi settings in Maya to 600.

I send you an email Ryan with a link to the tile set.

Hope this might help find the cause.


Hi Sven,

Try using the --not-cropped flag when running the tile assembler. That

seems to do the trick.

As for the the tile assembler not being able to find the filename, it

looks like the tile filename isn’t being generated properly. It’s being

called “bol_hiphop_03_color.0001.exr_tile_1x1_4x4_” instead of

“bol_hiphop_03_color_tile_1x1_4x4_.0001.exr” (you can see the padding

and extension are there, it’s just not formatted properly). How are you

setting the filename in Maya? If you are using any of the shortcut

options to create the filename, Deadline probably isn’t handle it properly.


Ah, yes, that might be it, our pipeline has been setup this way.

Ahwell, nothing some post job scripting or Bulk Rename won’t fix.

Gonna try this out monday