Hi, i’ve a problem here,
With an empty scene, i can split an image in for example x=5, y=5, when i submit the image all goes well. but with a scene, like a bedroom it let me difine de number of tiles i X but does,'t let me define the Y value, i cannot change it, it fixes to 1…
Hi Bruno,
Which software (Max, Maya, XSI) are you using? Also, I believe that the
X and Y values need to divide evenly into the resolution width and
height (respectively), so depending on the resolution, some X or Y
values other than 1 might not be valid.
- Ryan
Ryan Russell
Frantic Films Software
Hi, i’m using 3dsmax.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Bruno,
Was my last post relevant to your problem (regarding the X and Y values
needing to divide evenly into the image’s resolution)? What was the
height of the image you were trying to tile render with?
- Ryan
Ryan Russell
Frantic Films Software