Tile Rendering - Change temp tile location?


Is it possible to change where Deadline saves the temporary tiles when doing a Jigsaw/Tile render? At the moment it just puts them where the output path it.

I was hoping to get these tiles rendered into a subfolder, and then Draft to compile the image to the original output location.

Any ideas?


I’d be interested in that too - right now we keep the “raw tiles” just in case there was an error and we can re-render and recompile just those tiles, but it means we have a few hundred exrs files that we manually move into a sub folder after the fact (or delete once they are confirmed correct).

Having all the “working” tiles in a subfolder would be huge!

-using vray standalone render with tiles

Hmm. I think at the moment the tile rendering code is written per-submitter so making changes is going to be a little tricky.

Now, we could move them when the render is done inside the Draft Tile Assembler plugin instead of deleting them. That’ll at least keep the output folder clean.

What do you think?

I mean, that would work for us. Something static like putting them all into a “tiles” folder or something would be great - even better if it was customizable thru the plugin settings :slight_smile:

Hi Ed,

That should work for us.

I’m sorting out our submission scripts to write vray/corona cache files to a Deadline folder in each job folder, so It would be good to have the tiles and all render guff in the same place (away from the main render).


Cool. I’ll open up an issue for the DTA plugin ("[repo]/plugins/DraftTileAssembler/DraftTileAssembler.py"). I think the setting would be in the “Configure Plugins” dialog.

Hi Edwin,

Any movement on this request for a custom tile location?


It rests pretty low on the list to be honest. Given that it’s not specifically a workflow issue and more house cleaning it’s a hard sell.

To be honest, a stronger one might be to bring the “assemble over previous image” from the SMTD’s jigsaw to help with @delineator’s problem.