Tile rendering is not saving the render elements

Hello everyone,

I have a problem working with tiles rendering, the option is not saving the vray render elements.

I started looking for the problem due to the assembly job was failing the tasks, and after a few tests i found out deadline was not saving the elements in the first place.

When i render a full frame job, it saves the elements normally.

Anyone with the same problem?

Heh. Yeah, the forum thread for this was about 10 down in the list. We’ll have it fixed in SP4, but for now, follow this thread here:

forums.thinkboxsoftware.com/vie … 11&t=15415

FYI. Now fixed and released in docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … provements

Thanks for the reply!

So, i have to donwload the patch

If you can e-mail sales@ or support@ we can give you the download link for the installers. There you can do a minor upgrade and it’ll set things right (we fixed at least two bugs in our 3DS ax support). The old download link may still work as well if you have it handy.


Thank you for your help, but i´ve just install SP4 and it is still not working.

Am i missing something? Is there any secret option to make the elements work with tile rendering? I am using Vray Frame Buffer aswell.

Could anyone post a step by step to render a tile render with 3dsmax and Vray Fram Buffer?

I appreciate it

If it’s not a bug and is in fact user error, I find this page is pretty helpful in telling you what V-Ray’s edge cases are:
docs.chaosgroup.com/display/VRA … r+Elements

We should honour the settings you’ve hooked up, so give that guide a shot and see. I’ll try and run some tests over here against to be sure it’s not a regression.

DL fully respects the V-Ray VFB, with respect all the pathing settings here: docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … ng-options

Can you review the above link and if necessary, share your settings here, so we can advise?

Hello everyone.

So, tile rendering works pretty well now, but not when i use the V-ray VFB :confused:

VFB+tile rendering is not supported with render elements? It is pretty important that i use VFB.


Tile rendering is fully supported with V-Ray and also when V-Ray’s VFB is enabled, split, raw, alpha, EVERYTHING.

docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … ng-options

Can you share your submission settings in SMTD and your 3ds Max log reports from Deadline Monitor, so we can help you?

These are the pathing options I had to set to get it to output elements when using Tile Rendering.
working deadline elements.JPG

I’d select a few of those “Include RE …” options.

Here’s the rundown of each from the docs: