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Tile Rendering Specify Tiles to Re-Render ISSUE

hi guys on
In Tile rendering in max smtd,
When using specifty tiles to rerender button the selection you make seems to be ignored unless you also manually select each tile in the list
which can be very painful if you have 400 tiles in a shot

for example on a 100 tile frame
select single frame, mr jigsaw, regions as tasks
create grid 10x10

turn on rerender user defined tiles
pick 6 tiles
the total number of tiles to be rendered is correct (say select 6 out of 100)
but when submitting the job all 100 tiles render
all 100 tiles are ticked in the list

if i deselect all the tiles and then select which tiles to rerender none appear in the list

so there seems to be some error in the selection methods.

it does work if you select which regions form the list manually, but as stated this is very painful.


Hi Jacob,
I’m a little confused as to whether you are referring to Jigsaw tile rendering system, the older/original tile rendering system or are comparing the 2 x systems? So, let’s rewind a little first and please see below a few screen-grabs to start the conversation. Here’s some notes to accompany the screen-grabs:

Jigsaw tile rendering is a different separate system to tile rendering via SMTD. In fact, all the different tile/region job types are separate systems as you select ONLY one of them to be “ACTIVE:” at any one time in the SMTD UI.

Depending on the system you are using, you can select one or more tiles in the UI via the list or in the case of jigsaw tile rendering in the actual 3dsmax viewport, using the normal selection methods. In the case of the older tile rendering system, then we provide the “custom tile selection” UI pop-up dialog, which uses a click of the mouse to control or use the “all”, “none” or “invert” buttons to assist.

NOTE: a change in v7.0 as it’s a major version, was we introduced the possibility of even more complex workflows when it comes to re-rendering of tiles in 3dsmax via SMTD. When a tile job is now sent to Deadline, with a sub-set of custom tiles to be re-rendered, we now submit ALL the tiles AND mark the NOT used ones as already COMPLETED in the Task panel and leave the ones you do want to render, as QUEUED.

ok, thanks for the detail mike
i will review here

we are using the jigsaw system (as highlighted)

thanks mike
i was still using the tile render tab

i cant seem to get any kind of viewport selection of regions working
i click on viewport and get all regions highlight white, window region and seem to get all highlighted white
but i cant then enable those regions in the list anyway
if i double click the region in the list it highlight with a box and manipulator handles but i cant then select other regions

there doesnt seem to be anything in documentation (from thinkbox website) on how to select the regions you want to render (hence why i was using the tile render tab)

can i get a quick view screens / info on how to select the regions


i dont seem to have the enable multi region rendering check box as in page 455 of the manual

i have SINGLE FRAME Multi-region, jigsaw rendering, single job regions as tasks
as the method
in the ACTIVE jigsaw single frame MRR rollout
i do not have multi region checkbox as in manual
but you dont either so???

i am presuming that’s why i cant select the regions

i have noticed the manual is
i am on of release

Hmmm, on my system running Max 2014 with Nitrous Direct3D 9 drivers, clicking the + sign in the viewport activates the region (+ turns to o). If I hold CTRL and click on more + signs, they all become blue and get highlighted on the list, too.

It is possible to also highlight regions on the list by holding down CTRL and clicking more and more regions, but unfortunately some of them become unchecked (I could never suppress that behavior), so once you have selected the ones you want submitted, you have to make sure you click the checkbox again while holding CTRL to re-enable them all.

Double-clicking in the viewport selects the actual gizmo as an object (since it is a Manipulator helper and we are in Select+Manipulate mode). If Manipulate mode is turned OFF in the Main Toolbar of Max, you won’t be able to activate regions and the whole grid will turn white on a single click as the helper object becomes selected. So make sure the Manipulate icon is checked! Selecting from the list should check it automatically anyway…

what version max are you
are are max design 2015 sp3

using directx11
have tried 9 and still doesnt work

selecting in the list does not change them to “o”

ok. just tried it in max2014 and it works as you explain
so its an issue script manipulator with max2015

select and manipulate is on (and i tried off) in max 2015

we have reinstalled the script and tried running the script directly from the repository server
same result

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