Hi, I am trying to get Tile Rendering to work correctly with V-Ray standalone and vrscene files exported from Maya.
Things that are not working correctly right now are:
If I do not enable “Override Resolution”, the render will be black. The black frames do have the correct resolution. Enabling “Enable File Parsing” is not enough. When I enable “Override Resolution” it renders correctly.
The filename Deadline extracts with “Enable File Parsing” has a “_tmp” at the end of the filename. Apparently Vray for Maya adds a _tmp to the output filename in the vrscene file. When rendering with Vray standalone, this gets stripped. But when using “Tile Rendering”, it gets used. It would be great if Deadline would strip this as well when rendering tiles.
Not all Render Elements get picked up by Deadline. In my testscene, only the Sample Rate element gets picked up by the vrayscene parser. Z-depth and Multi Matte get ignored. I did not test any other elements.
Even when animation is disabled in Maya, the filenames have a framenumber at the end. This framenumber is missing in the Draft assembly config file so the assembly job fails. When animation is enabled, even with just one frame, Deadline picks it up correctly.
Here are some screenshots of my settings.
Please let me know if you want the Maya file, vrscene file, Draft config or if you need any other info. If you think that any of this is a bug on Chaosgroups side, please let me know so I can bring it up with them.
Maya 2017 Update 3
VRay 3.52.03
Deadline 9.0.5
Cheers, Florian