tile rendering

Got it all working nice and easy, no problems there.
But here is what I’m looking into.

Rendering with redshift and GPUs.
Got two computers each with 4 GPUs in them as slaves.
Now when frame is submitted to rendering for example 3x3 tiles it submits 9 jobs each with single task.
Only way to render is to have all 4 GPUs rendering each task so it renders only 2 tiles at the time, each by one computer.
If I use 2 GPU per task and two concurrent tasks then, because there is only single task in each job it will rendering only with 2 GPUs and two others will be waiting as there is no other task to run concurrent one.
I know it is a bit messy but here is what I’m trying to get at.

I know that there should be option to run 2 slaves in each computer, and each slave having assigned 2 GPUs.
That way I would have efficiently 4 slaves runing, and each of them using 2 GPUs.
So how would I go with doing that and having every time each slave settings saved? :slight_smile:

So instead:
Comp1_Slave1- GPUs 0,1,2,3
Comp2_Slave1- GPUs 0,1,2,3

I would have
Comp1_Slave1- GPUs 0,1
Comp1_Slave2 - GPUs 2,3
Comp2_Slave1- GPUs 0,1
Comp2_Slave2 - GPUs 2,3

first sry somehow got double post. anyway. I know how to run additional slaves my question should be how to assign specific GPUs to each slave


Glad you found the multiple slave documentation. In Deadline 7.2 we have GPU affinity(docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … u-affinity) which will allow you to assign specific slave instances to specific GPUs.