tile stiching

How long into the render does deadline start stitching the tiles? I have sent an animation of 750 frames almost half have rendered but nothing has been stitched yet. I am not using animation tile rendering not the multi region option?


If I remember correctly, the Draft Tile Assembler job has frame dependency on all jobs that render the tiles. So the moment all tiles of a frame have been rendered, the respective assembly task of the assembly job should process them. Do you see the Draft Tile Assembler job?

Also, I am not sure what “I am not using animation tile rendering not the multi region option?” means? Can you make a positive statement? :mrgreen:
Could you send a list of the settings you are using, or a screenshot of the SMTD Tiles tab?

Sorry I am using the “Animation, Tile rendering” as in the image.

i do not see the “Draft Tile Assembler job” earlier I sent a small test and it didnt have a Draft Tile Assembler job either but it was a quick render and it the tiles seemed to have processed as they were done. for this job I am afraid something is not right.

Oh I see.

That mode does not support Draft Tile Assembly. Thus the option is grayed out. This is the original Tile rendering mode (one job per tile), and it is assembled using a post-render script that should be run by each task after each tile is rendered. However, it will only succeed in the assembling if all tiles are found in the folder.

You should look into the Log files of the tile render jobs - most of them will try to run the old-style assembler command line application and fail because the tiles are not there yet. One of them should have succeeded, but if you are not getting assembled images, it is probably failing too. Would be nice to get some error report from that…

Had a look at the logs I can see that it starts the process of finding the tiles but there is no error msg , but also there no stiched frames so something is failing. I think i will just have to restart the render without the tiles.

Calling Tile Assembler for [B:\004_PROJECTS\2016\***_tile_1x2_3x2_…exr]…
2016-08-17 17:15:00: 0: INFO: >Tile Assembler Returned true
2016-08-17 17:15:00: 0: INFO: >Processing Render Elements Tiles

Can you use the newer “Animation” based tile rendering mode in SMTD:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … -rendering

(you can easily create a uniform X by Y tile grid if that’s all you are after in the above interface)

Draft works really well here, with per frame dependency for each region as it completes. That older method should really just be removed/deprecated.

Not much luck with that mode either. shame.

Error: Renderer returned non-zero error code, 1. Check the log for more information.
at Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks(String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)

Can you provide the full log report to put this into context?

Jobs been deleted already. If we try it again I will send you the full log.