I thought this had been put into Deadline 7.1 but apparently not…
In the Tile Tasks it says…
Task ID, Frame, Statues, etc…
0, 0 - Tile 1 of 4
“0 - Tile 1 of 4” isn’t really of any use, it would be much better to see 1x2_2x2 for instance. As when something goes wrong with a particular tile you’re always starting by looking at the individual tile or trying to work out which one rendered wrong by counting X and Y manually.
I know you can see the output path now for each task which is a great step forward but I’d really like to see the index listed in the Tasks view too.
Bear in mind, the old “Tile Assembler” is end of life and we recommend migration to “Draft Tile Assembler”, which does not use this “tile” syntax natively. (Our Tile Assembler docs mention this EOL announcement.) docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … r.html#faq
After internal discussion, we have an existing wish-list item to add “Extra Info X” columns to the Task Panel. If this happens, it would be the ideal place to inject custom information such as the specific tile syntax for visualisation in the monitor.
As you correctly point out, a quick right-click of the task’s render output and you can currently visualise the exact file path / name, which includes the “tile” syntax.
Hey Mike, we are using the Draft Tile assembler, but we still use the old style Tile rendering rather than Jigsaw. So that’s why the 1x2_2x2 is still there.
I still think we really need a visual way to see which computer rendering which tiles for spotting when we have issues.