Hey Guys
I was hoping to get some info from you, we have a bunch of maya scenes that submit a large volume of tiled renders about 300 total items 150 maya jobs and 150 assembly jobs when all is said and done. What we are noticing is that its a very slow process to get all these submitted and it’s taking nearly 30 minutes. I have modified the original submitters a fair bit and I suspected that might be part of the slowdown. In order to get a baseline, I went back to the vanilla version of the deadline submitter for maya to do a submission speed test. The stock submitter took about 11s from the time the first render layer a gets to the farm until the next render layer hits the farm on average. I have also run a baseline test on our modified of which we had two, one based on the code used with deadline 8 and one based on the code provided with deadline 10. There was a substantial gain increase when I used the submitter based on deadline 8 as it averaged 14s, but the submitter based on the deadline 10 code matched the defaults time of 11s. Interestingly enough it appears that this same submission was about 7.5 seconds round trip when we were on deadline 8.
I realize I am talking about seconds, for massive submission jobs, but shaving these times back even just 3 seconds is fairly significant for my teams.
Are there any tools that deadlinecommand has that will allow me to ping the repo and get response times, or any diagnostic tools that I can use to see where in this submission step things are getting slower, or a way to add additional verbosity during the submission?
My second question Can you make the option to submit tiled renders as single job frames for sequences instead of just a Single Job Fame the way you currently have it. Our users are submitting massive frames to our farm and they like having a job per frame that contains all of the tiles for that frame. I have already modified SetupRegionRendering section in the SetupSubmission proc to pull the frame range based on the frame list and loop through the frames at submission range and ignore the Single Job Frame.
Is there a way to make the tile submission jobs via command line ?
Another alternative would be to make all the pluginInfo and params files at once and then batch submit them via deadlinecommand. I suspect this will be the fastest.
I am working on some standalone submission tools that leverage deadlinecommand to try and speed up the submission of these massive jobs.
Thanks for the help.
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