Just a quick one - I have noticed that if a tiles job is submitted from a VRay camera (no VFB or Elements) the gamma setup is not respected for the tiles, but this is not the case with the same scene and a normal camera. Exposure setup is not camera specific, but VRay Photographic.
When you submit the tile rendering job, do you have a pixel padding with a value greater than 0? There is a note in our code about potential gamma issues when the pixel padding is > 0 and I’m just curious if this could be related.
- Ryan
will test. thanks Ryan.
Ryan, yes it looks like it is related. Currently the same whichever camera type you use. Gamma issues with anything > 0 pixel padding.
Thanks for confirming. This is a known issue that we haven’t found a solution for yet. Is using pixel padding of 0 a solution you can use for now?
Yes, it is.
Is anyone able to write a quick Sanity check for Tiles = on but Pixel Padding >0 with a fix to reset?
Sanity Check Function:
fn CheckForTilePadding =
(not SMTDSettings.TilesRendering) or (SMTDSettings.TilesPadding == 0)
Repair Function:
fn FixTilePadding =
SMTDSettings.TilesPadding = 0
setIniSetting SMTDPaths.InIFile "TilesRendering" "TilesPadding" ( SMTDSettings.TilesPadding as string)
SMTD_SanityCheck_errorReportRollout.log_action "Fixed" (color 0 155 0) true "Tiles Pixel Padding set to 0"
Sanity Check Definition:
#(SMTD_Private_SanityCheckFunctions.CheckForTilePadding , #fix, "Tile Rendering is enabled and Tiles Pixel Padding > 0!", SMTD_Private_RepairFunctions.FixTilePadding, true)
Hope that helps!
- Ryan
You superstar. Thank you.