Tiling Limitations ?

Ive been experimenting trying to find the limitations of the tiling features within Deadline for 3DS Max 9 and Im wondering if someone can answer the following.

What is the maximum number of tiles that will successfully compile for a single image. So far I have had everything up to 50 tiles work no problem. However 100 tiles will not compile , tested on numerous scenes. The individual tiles are created no problem but will not compile.

What is the largest size image that I should be able to create ? I have had 1000 x 2000 pixels work no problem up to 50 tiles but 5000 x 10000 the tiles render with all sorts of artifacts and other junk in them making the final product useless.



Hi Stuart,

We’ve recently discovered and fixed a bug in the tile assembler that

prevented certain sets of .exr tiles from assembling properly. Perhaps

this might fix the problem you’re having with compiling 100 tiles. The

new tile assembler will be included in our next release, which should be

very soon.

We’re unaware of any limitations on the maximum image size, but it

sounds like you’re running into one. It’s difficult to say what would

cause problems with tile rendering a large image like 5000 x 10000. One

guess would be memory issues, because max still has to load the entire

scene before rendering the particular tile (Deadline is just telling max

to do a region render).

The next release of Deadline will allow you to pad extra pixels around

the image, but this may or may not help your situation.

I know these aren’t the concrete answers you’re looking for, but

hopefully they’re helpful. If you have any more questions or gather more

information about any limitations you run into, let us know!


Thanks for the update Ryan. As for the maximum image size I suspect youre right regarding memory issue since the tiles themselves are corrupt before assembly, I find it strange though as the results for a simple sphere are the same as a very complex scene. I might go hunting around the 3DMax forums.

