To Camera vs To View?

Maybe I just don’t understand what’s happening, but ToCamera doesn’t give the same result as ToView does in the old KCM.

Also, debug doesn’t help, it doesn’t seem to know that the view is different.

Not a bug, but a related wish… Would it be possible with to have something between FromSpace and FromCamera, where you would pick a camera object so you could lock it to one camera, and not just whatever the active view is? Actually, if we didn’t have to worry about backwards compatibility, I’d ask that you rename FromCamera to FromView and make FromCamera take a camera or light. Maybe FromSpace can do what I’m asking, and I just can’t figure out how?

Unrelated… What’s supposed to happen when you add a Missing operator? It’s freezing max 2012 for me. I know you’re not supposed to add a Missing, but shouldn’t it actually prevent it?

Just a bug. When the Missing operator is actually used in a loaded flow, it is initialized to have correct number of inputs and outputs to preserve the connections.
When you drag one, I wasn’t handling the initialization, so it ended up in some sort of zombie mode with zero inputs and outputs and it did not like it. I added one input and one output to it and now it is happy again… Thanks for reporting this!
Of course, I think such a node should still not hang Magma. Will log it as a bug for Darcy to look at.

Will have to investigate the other questions/bugs you had…

If I create and old KCM and a new Magma modifier and set the new Magma to transform ToSpace and I pick the Camera itself, I get the same result as the old KCM.
When I use a ToCamera, I get something else. I will log it as a bug until proven wrong…

I tested with PRT Volume set to show the Normals as Colors in Camera Space (with transforms set to “Normal” mode).