TP Support?

Curious if anyone can say to what degree Thinking Particles will be supported, or at least if additional support is planned…



We improved support as much as the SDK was allowing us to. At this point, all relevant channels except color and UVs are taken straight from the TP, without using the workaround of the incorrectly implemented IParticleObjectExt interface we tried to use before.

We also support filtering by Particle Groups so you can specify which groups will be rendered and which will not.

We are trying to communicate our problems to Cebas, but we are still waiting for a solution - at this point we are not able to even work around the getting of colors or texture coordinates from particles because they seem to be stored in the particle meshes and there is no access to that data we can find.

We appreciate your attempts to help but would prefer not to see our private emails ending up where they did two weeks ago ;o)


Thanks, Bobo,

Where did the private email end up? I forwarded a paragraph to Edwin and McCarthy to try and push them to help – was that a problem or did it show up elsewhere? I did not post anything anywhere else…

Clearly my hope is to get as much collaboration between TP & Krakatoa as possible - apologies for any errors on my part…

Color is the big issue… how can I help get this fixed?

I am interested in seeing/hearing what progress has bin made with Krakatoa and TP?



There has been no further progress beyond what has already been stated in this thread.