TP4 , krakatoa . crash

Build : v1.4.3.35021

I have a TP4 node in my scene which has a huge Group hierarchy. I get this error the moment I open krakatoa UI


It would be very helpful if you could post everything printed to the MAXScript Listener after the crash.
I want to see the variable states, although it appears that some property called “” has sneaked into the hierarchy of TP.
I haven’t seen this before, so there must be something special about this TP node. All I could do would be to ensure any property access happens in a try()catch() context to avoid the problem.

You could put a try()catch() around the “where” expression yourself.

for g in getPropNames theParent where (try(classof (getProperty theParent g)) == PGroup)catch(false)) do …

Here is the listener errors

– Error occurred in g loop; filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Frantic Films\Krakatoa\Scripts\; position: 202393
– Frame:
– g: #
– theNewBase: undefined
– called in getSubGroups(); filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Frantic Films\Krakatoa\Scripts\; position: 202892
– Frame:
– theBase: “”
– theMaster: $Thinking01
– theParent: ReferenceTarget:ReferenceTarget
– called in o loop; filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Frantic Films\Krakatoa\Scripts\; position: 204067
– Frame:
– o: $Thinking01
– theBase: “”
– called in populateLists(); filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Frantic Films\Krakatoa\Scripts\; position: 204089
– Frame:
– TPRolloutEnabled: true
– theTPObjects: #($Thinking01, $1_Thinking01, $TP_WingLeft_MAIN, $TP_WingRight_MAIN)
– called in Refresh_GUI(); filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Frantic Films\Krakatoa\Scripts\; position: 206055
– Frame:
– called in; filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Frantic Films\Krakatoa\Scripts\; position: 206754
– Frame:

MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: – Unknown property: “” in ReferenceTarget:ReferenceTarget <<

Thx for the quick reply

Oh Cebas! :slight_smile:
As you can see, the variable g which contains the properties of an object as returned by getPropNames() contains a property called #. So the name of the property is “”, which is of course completely invalid. Since TP does not expose any real MAXScript methods for working with its properties, I had to hack this together to find out the groups and whether they are renderable or not.

I would expect that adding try()catch() as I explained in my previous post would solve this. Please modify your at the error location and see if it makes it work.

I will modify it on our side in about two hours.

Here is the updated file. Copy the content of the ZIP into your Krakatoa installation’s \Scripts folder.
(typically located under c:\Program Files\Frantic Films\Krakatoa\Scripts\ or c:\Program Files(x86)\Frantic Films\Krakatoa\Scripts\ on 64 bit OS)

Then please let me know if it solves the problem or not. (86.7 KB)

Great , thx !