Transcoding lots of video files with FFMPEG in Deadline?


Although Deadline is great, i would like to suggest a functionality that could make it even better - at least for us:

  • Transcoding of all video files in a folder, via FFMPEG and into codecs used in post, colourgrading and VFX. - ex. ProRes or defined as additional arguments (now you can select up to 10 individual files which is tedious when you have 300 or more :wink:

Henrik Mark

Hi Mark,

Thank you very much for your suggestion!

Before going further, we would like to ask you the following questions:

  1. Is ProRes support essential for you?
  2. Are there any particular video encoding settings that you need to control?

Kind regards,


Hi Julie,

First of it would be nice if all transcoding facilities could take entire folders as input and create jobs for each file or chunks of files. Second it would be nice to have different codes used in post production - ProRes would be nice :slight_smile:

Hi there,

Thank you very much for your answers. This has been put on our wish list.

Have a great day!
