Trick to InVol Node?

Is there a trick to getting the InVol node to work with an animated InVol object?

In the example there is a Box which is keyed along x+ that travel over a PRT Volume teapot. As it passes over it should remove the particles via selection + Krakatoa Delete OSM but it does not. However I can test that the KMM is sound and working correctly by removing the Box’s keys and updating the magmaMod, which then remove the in volume particles.

Was there already discussion about this or am I just tired?
max2012_KRK_AnimatedInVolObject.rar (22.1 KB)

Looks broken to me. If you animate the box with an XForm, it works.
Also, if you change the FromSpace to ToSpace with the Box001 picked, and even DISABLE the ToSpace operator, it still works.
This is most probably caused by the Magma getting notifications of the node transforms changes of the Box via the ToSpace. The InputGeometry is supposed to do this too, but it seems that for some reason it is not.

Will pass it to Darcy to take a look.

Aye, I got my spaces backwards, good to know :blush: I should have been a little more attentive since the InVol actually indicates the lookup as WS, although the inputGeometry does not, is this assumed? That it is world space.

So I have to always animate the xform? or it is supposed to work without?

First, your particles were in world space already (thanks to the PRT Volume), so NO transformation is really needed.
If the PRT Volume were in object space, you would have needed ToWorld.

As I said, it should have worked without that operator, but it looks like it helps solve the problem because it makes the modifier dependent on the Box - something the Geometry Input should be doing. I consider it a bug. Using the XForm is a workaround until we figure out where the bug is.


New Beta build v2.0.2.46508 should fix this problem, please give it a try: … uilds-beta