Hey guys. Coming across an oddity in the path translations and Nuke in a mixed OS environment.
Files read into Nuke on Mac are getting a mixed number of preceding slashes:
/server/ and //server/
That seems to work fine on Mac.
When sending these to the Windows farm though the Path Mapping is adding an additional slash and failing.
So a file
is being converted to
If we remove the Path Mapping in Deadline then the Windows farm fails when it tries to read:
So either we have a failure with one slash or 3 slashes on the Windows farm. The mac farm seems to resolve this automagically in Nuke.
I’ve worked in mixed OS environments before running Nuke and Deadline but wasn’t involved at the time in the underbelly of how things were set up.
Any suggestions/solutions would be much appreciated.
Can you post a screen shot of your path mappings? We can check if anything looks fishy.
A Nuke comp that contains the OSX paths that you wish to map would be really helpful too!
Here’s a screenshot of our path mapping in Deadline and below are two read nodes from a nuke script:
set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 6.3 v5
Read {
inputs 0
file /pfcluster/PROJECTS/MyProject/EDITORIAL/FOOTAGE/A003/A003R2CI/DPX/A003R2CI.%04d.dpx
format “1920 1080 0 0 1920 1080 1 HD”
first 1451
before black
last 2480
after black
origfirst 1451
origlast 2480
origset true
timecode 00:00:00:00
name Read2
selected true
xpos -63
ypos 64
set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 6.3 v5
Read {
inputs 0
file //pfcluster/PROJECTS/MyProject/DESIGN/NUKE/REN/BB01_windowTrack_v01/BB01_windowTrack_v01.%04d.jpg
format “1920 1080 0 0 1920 1080 1 HD”
first 1700
before black
last 2480
after black
origfirst 1700
origlast 2480
origset true
name Read4
selected true
xpos 504
ypos -88
Thanks! I believe the issue with with the second input:
Your second path mapping is looking for “/pfcluseter/” and replacing it with “\pfcluster”. So after the replacement (before the slash correction), the path looks like this:
That’s where your triple slashes are coming from. If that second input only had one slash at the beginning, you should be okay. You could also add a specific mapping that would handle this case in Nuke scripts. For example, you could replace “file /pfcluster/” with “file \pfcluster” on windows. This way, the path with the 2 starting slashes would be ignored. Just note that this mapping would have to come before the “/pfcluster/” path mapping. We should probably consider adding a way to reorder these path mappings to make this easier in the future…