I’m trying the latest python build in maya 2012, when i put a simple scene with a plane and a sphere, everything goes well, i get a black render.
Then i use the sphere as nParticle emitter, i use a rate of 10 and i don’t get too many particles (i want to try the multiply particles feature), then i simulate until frame 54 (or any other frame with some simulation done) and when i press the export button, i don’t get the text file opened, maya keeps in a “loading” state, the bottom bar shows 100%, i can do things in maya, but the mouse cursor keeps the wait cursor, and i don’t get any render, also if i manually open the _0054.py file, it’s empty,and also i get this error in the maya console.
// Error: The object “nRigidShape1” was either not found, or was not a Particle or NParticle object. //