I have a problem whereby I have to turn off strict error checking manually for Maya submissions. I am aware that there is a check box in the submitter but for some reason deadline is ignoring the state of that check box and it makes no difference. I was wondering if there is a way to turn it off globally, since I can see any good reason to have it active at all.
Thanks, Tom
(and if there is a good reason please let me know)
Would an event plugin be able to do this automatically?
It sounds like the error we’re catching on is considered a bad thing. “Strict error checking” is for some of the lighter issues.
Can you post the error you don’t want to catch on and I can show you where to add the #hashmark to stop it from catching? Knowing your exact Deadline version is going to help too.
Error: Strict error checking on, caught the following error or warning.
*** Fatal Error: Failed creating shelf directory: /Volumes/projects/…/…/data/maya/shelves
If this error message is unavoidable but not fatal, please email support@thinkboxsoftware.com with the error message, and disable the Maya job setting Strict Error Checking.
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.RenderTasks (System.String taskId, System.Int32 startFrame, System.Int32 endFrame, System.String& outMessage, FranticX.Processes.ManagedProcess+AbortLevel& abortLevel) [0x002c8] in :0
We are currently running deadline Client version:
I have a workaround. The folder in question doesn’t exist (clearly because it says so)… So I created it manually and problem solved. However, for future reference, which file in the plugins directory requires comments for errors? Mayabatch.py?
Yeah, it’ll be MayaBatch.py. I think a shelf creation warning at render time should absolutely be non-fatal. Nobody is going to be able to see the shelves anyway!
Looking into it, that “Fatal Error” seems to be on Maya’s end, so the way we can quiet that would be to paste this into “MayaBatch.py” just after the line “#FumeFX STDout Handlers”: