Tutorial: Thick Smoke Using Few Particles And GeoVolume

I have put together a tutorial about creating a simple particle flow using very few particles and turning it into a denser cloud via Mesher and GeoVolume.
I am not crazy about the animation yet, but it shows some promise.

franticfilms.com/software/su … volume.php

Nice, a quick replacement for Afterburn, but with so much more opportunity for tweaking. I wonder if a turbosmooth + noise WSM would break up the perfect spheres… But hey, you could even emit particles from the mesher, too. Oh so many possibilities…

that looks really nice… I also tried it with just normal particles and rendered them as voxel… I tried to make clouds and it came really nice…But I was unable to break regular spheric shape… It would be nice to have bump effect works with voxel… I tried but it didn’t work… Also I tried to volumetric opacity using 3d noise map… But not sure about it. I havn’t tried voxels after it.

I wonder if bump mapping works with voxels? not sure if this is already included?

Phong shading works with voxels. I had some invalid pixels with it, but that might be a very rare case. How you get normals into the particles is a different issue. The GeoVolume I think just does the geometry normals at the surface (but I haven’t tried that yet, only isotropic so far).

  • Chad

Bump Mapping is on the Wish List. It is currently not supported.
The Normals from GeoVolume are taken from the Level Set normals (see illustrations on the GeoVolume docs page).
You can use WHATEVER shape you want, not just spheres. Just create a couple of mesh objects in the broken shape you want and assign them as Shape Instance to the PFlow. You can even use Teapots if you want :wink: The only thing that wouldn’t work well is 2D shapes.

Thanks Bobo :slight_smile: Cool Box#3 falloff operator, pretty nice result too.

LOL, I almost did it again…