typo - line in manual - beta 7

“If you can a custom submission tool or script, you can specify the following in the job info file:”

under “Event Plug-in Scripting” doesn’t read quite right…

Also, how about “Job Transferred” & “Job Archived” Event Functions?


Hey Mike,

Thanks for catching that typo. We’ll fix it.

We’ll also add events for archived/unarchived events. We can’t do it for job transfers though because that’s not something that occurs within the core of Deadline. It’s done at the plugin level, and a transfer is essentially a submission of a job to another repository.

However, you could inject a custom key/value pair (or extra info property) into the job (Job A) that is transferring another job (Job B). When Job A finishes, it will trigger the job completed event, and if the completed job has the special key/value pair that was injected, you know a transfer succeeded.


  • Ryan