Here’s some wishes or bug report on the UI of the monitor i’ve found.
panels, as job or slaves panels, can only be rename once. (edit filter > filter name)
panels organisation in tabs is fine, but the organisation of the tabs are a pain. We can switch them easily. I’ve about 10 pools, 1 tab/pool, and it would be cool to have the possibilities to reorganize it like in a web navigator (drag & drop between 2 others tabs)
pools & group can’t be rename. I guess there’s a reason from you’r side for it.
But, pools and group can’t have uppercase Obviously nothing essential here, but… it’s disturbing
Can’t assign a shortcut on the remote commande for slave (as execute cmd, start slave…)
I’m on, daily use from now 4 years and still loving this soft, so munch time saver
Reorganizing tabs should come in Deadline 9 when we upgrade Qt
Renaming pools and groups kind of works, but requires you to create a new pool and delete the old one… Some manual work
Naming of pools is specific because we use the name as a unique identifier. I’ll ask about that today.
For the keyboard shortcuts, those are applied to the scripts so far. Where would be a good place to have users configure those menus? I’m currently thinking that we renamed the “Configure Scripts” to “Configure Menus” and offer a few more options there. Of course, I don’t know how much effort that will take, so no promises yet.
I’m glad you’re still liking Deadline! We definitely try hard to make the right decisions for everyone with the help of you folks in the forums and in the ticket system. You specifically have been a great help.