uixsiscripts.vbs error?

I am no longer able to render using Deadline with XSI. I’m running XSI 6.01. I keep getting an error: "This command can’t be used in batch mode. - [line 3598 in C:\Softimage\XSI_6.01\Application\DSScripts\uixsiscripts.vbs]

I’ve tried renaming it and then XSIBatch complains it can’t find it - so it’s apparently necessary.

If I manually try to render the scene on my render slave using XSIbatch, it works - but with Deadline it doesn’t.

Any ideas?



I’ve tried uninstalling various addons to try to fix the problem. Here’s the error report from Deadline - right now I am totally unable to use Deadline for rendering:

Error Message

Exception during render: ’ ERROR : 2356 - This plug-in is not installed: SaveSceneOptions

Slave Log


FREE MODE: Repository has less than two slaves - no license required.

---- June 04 2007 – 04:04 PM ----

FREE MODE: Repository has less than two slaves - no license required.

FREE MODE: Repository has less than two slaves - no license required.

0: Loaded job: Untitled (00o_100_o_5e656cce)

0: INFO: Script plugin for Deadline 2.7.27948, built May 17 2007 22:41:24 R

0: INFO: >> Softimage XSI Plugin for Deadline, 2004-08-24

0: INFO: job file: c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\00o_100_o_5e656cce.job

0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 1

0: INFO: Rendering using new batch mode introduced in XSI 6.01

0: INFO: Rendering with XSI version 6

0: INFO: Enforcing 32 bit build of XSI

0: INFO: Executable: “c:\softimage\xsi_6.01\application\bin\xsibatch.bat”

0: INFO: Arguments: " -render “\Alienbrain\raid\XSI_Renderfarm\Big_AuntMillies_2\Scenes\Homestyle_Breads_fannedOut_v01.scn” -frames 1,1,1 -script “c:\deadline\slave\plugins\AdditionalRenderOptions.vbs” -main SetAdditionalRenderOptions -args -verbose 60 -width “” -height “” -sampleMin “” -sampleMax “” -sampleFilter “” -sampleJitter “” -outputPrefix “” -xMin “” -yMin “” -xMax “” -yMax “”"

0: INFO: StartupDir: “c:\softimage\xsi_6.01\application\bin”

0: INFO: UseJobObject: true

0: INFO: HideDosWindow: true

0: STDOUT: ==================================================

0: STDOUT: SOFTIMAGE® | XSI® Batch Version 6.0.2007.0323

0: STDOUT: Copyright© 1998-2007 Avid Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

0: STDOUT: ==================================================


0: STDOUT: License warning: feature [XSI Batch Win] not available

0: STDOUT: License warning: feature [XSI Batch All] not available

---- June 04 2007 – 04:05 PM ----

0: STDOUT: License information: using [XSI Batch]

Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:

Scheduler Thread - Exception during render: ’ ERROR : 2356 - This plug-in is not installed: SaveSceneOptions

Error Type


Error Stack Trace

at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.RenderTasks(Int32 startTask, Int32 endTask)

at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.RenderTask(Int32 task)

at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.RenderTask(Int32 frame)

at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()

Hi Paul,

I googled the error message, and other people have run into this problem outside of Deadline:


Try rendering an XSI scene from the command line prompt using xsibatch. If this error occurs from the command line prompt, then at least we know the problem isn’t Deadline specific. If this is the case, you should contact the XSI support team.

If the problem doesn’t occur from the command line, try restarting the slave machine. Maybe there is an environment variable that Deadline isn’t recognizing, and restarting the machine should fix that problem.

Let us know if you have any luck.


  • Ryan


That’s my post on XSIBase.com


On 6/4/07, Frantic_Deadline Listmanager <

Frantic_Deadline.listmanager@support.franticfilms.com> wrote:

From: "Ryan Russell" (rrussell@franticfilms.com)

Hi Paul,

I googled the error message, and other people have run into this problem
outside of Deadline:


Try rendering an XSI scene from the command line prompt using xsibatch. If
this error occurs from the command line prompt, then at least we know the
problem isn't Deadline specific. If this is the case, you should contact the
XSI support team.

If the problem doesn't occur from the command line, try restarting the
slave machine. Maybe there is an environment variable that Deadline isn't
recognizing, and restarting the machine should fix that problem.

Let us know if you have any luck.

- Ryan

To reply:Frantic_Deadline.2874@support.franticfilms.com
To start a new topic:Frantic_Deadline@support.franticfilms.com
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Fusion Digital Productions, LLC.
260.969.5722 main
818.301.5754 west coast

Sorry about that, I didn’t realize it was your post. From what I read,

it sounds like this problem exists outside of Deadline. Can you confirm

this? Have you had any luck rendering from the command line using

xsibatch? Let me know!


Yes. Rendering from XSIBatch works with no problems and satellite rendering

also works. It’s only in Deadline where I can’t get it to render.



On 6/5/07, Frantic_Deadline Listmanager <

Frantic_Deadline.listmanager@support.franticfilms.com> wrote:

From: "Ryan Russell" (rrussell@franticfilms.com)

Sorry about that, I didn't realize it was your post. From what I read,
it sounds like this problem exists outside of Deadline. Can you confirm
this? Have you had any luck rendering from the command line using
xsibatch? Let me know!

- Ryan

Ryan Russell
Frantic Films Software

To reply:Frantic_Deadline.2881@support.franticfilms.com
To start a new topic:Frantic_Deadline@support.franticfilms.com
To view discussion:
To (un)subscribe:Frantic_Deadline.list-request@support.franticfilms.com

Fusion Digital Productions, LLC.
260.969.5722 main
818.301.5754 west coast

Hi Paul,

I read this thread, and I’m now wondering if the new way Deadline

renders with xsibatch is the problem:


Try submitting a new XSI job, but this time submit it from the Deadline

Monitor ‘Scripts’ menu. Select ‘6’ for the version number, and uncheck

the ‘Use New XSI Batch Rendering’ box under the XSI Job Options tab.

This will use the deprecated method of rendering with XSI, which doesn’t

use the ‘-script’ argument. Let us know if this makes a difference.



Sorry for the slow reply. I gave it a try and it still doesn’t work. However, it appears as though Viewport Controls is broken in 6.01. I’m going to try removing them and resubmitting a scene.


This Is a very old thread but we are having this problem now with Softimage 2015 SP1. Any idea if this was solved?

Wow! This is an old one. We’ll try and handle this in the ticket system, but the current idea is to edit the uixsiscripts.vbs to hopefully dump a stack trace (I haven’t used VS Script in about 13 years, not sure if it’s possible).

If we can get a stack trace, hopefully we can find out which plugin is trying to use UI function calls.

We just disable strict error checking. It doesn’t affect renders.

2017-02-22 11:53:10: 0: STDOUT: ' ERROR : <InspectObj>, This command can't be used in batch mode. - [line 3579 in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Softimage 2015\Application\DSScripts\uixsiscripts.vbs] 2017-02-22 11:53:10: 0: INFO: Ignoring error because Strict Error Checking is disabled in the plugin configuration.

Well that’s funny. Do other people see this? We could just have a listener that throws this particular error away if it’s a wide-spread issue.

Honestly, at least for us XSI tends to throw so many irrelevant errors from plugins on batch render that it’s just easier to disable strict error checking.

All the fatal and relevant errors still seem to fail the jobs. We’ve been doing this for the past five years or so. :unamused:

2017-02-24 12:29:33: 0: STDOUT: ' ERROR : - Unspecified failure 2017-02-24 12:29:33: 0: INFO: Ignoring error because Strict Error Checking is disabled in the plugin configuration. 2017-02-24 12:29:33: 0: STDOUT: ' ERROR : - Unspecified failure . . . 2017-02-24 12:29:33: 0: INFO: Ignoring error because Strict Error Checking is disabled in the plugin configuration. 2017-02-24 12:29:33: 0: STDOUT: ' ERROR : - Unspecified failure 2017-02-24 12:29:33: 0: INFO: Ignoring error because Strict Error Checking is disabled in the plugin configuration. 2017-02-24 12:29:33: 0: STDOUT: ' ERROR : - Unspecified failure

Well, that’s just great… As far as this specific error, we’re adding a catch for it so we can avoid failing on it when it’s in the log.

Strict error checking is always an interesting problem. Maya is the one app where it’s particularly important as it can end up rendering something that doesn’t look at all like what you want due to missing textures or whathaveyou. Makes sense to fail fast than to wait hours for unusable output.