Jobs with VrayHDRI maps that do not have an output filename defined can now be submitted properly.
The new code looks like
for aMap in theVRayHDRI do
local theFilename = aMap.HDRIMapName
if theFilename != undefined do
for aToken in VRayTokens do
theFilename = substituteString theFilename aToken[1] aToken[2]
theFilename = substituteString theFilename (toLower aToken[1]) aToken[2]
It appears that you are running an older version of Deadline. Could you update?
Can you please tell me, why the Error keeps showing up, if I edit the code, by adding this if statement inside or outside of the loop (instead of upgrading the whole repository)? - still showing up the same error - even if the file is edited - only upgrading everything solves the issue.
Which file exactly are you editing? I assume it is the \\DeadlineRepository10\submission\3dsmax\Main\ ? If you are editing the local copy of the script as opposed to the Repository source, it will be obviously overwritten by the unmodified Repository source each time you run SMTD. When the error occurs, the local copy opens in the MAXScript Editor. Editing that will have no effect.
What does the error message in the MAXScript Listener look like? Please post it here.