unable to submit through Foundry Nuke

added the following in menu.py found in plugins directory of nuke 6.2v1 but the deadline interface is not loading up is there any mistake in this one?

t.addCommand(“NewMenu”, “SubmitToDeadline”, “Shortcut”, icon=“IconName”)

Check out the online install guide found here:

thinkboxsoftware.com/nuke/#I … ript_Setup

Also, you can use the “install intergrated submission scripts” system found in the “scripts” menu of your deadline monitor. This will copy the correct file(s) over and also gives you a “help” button to explain how to make it all work.

Your menu.py additions should look something like this:

import SubmitToDeadline pf = menubar.addMenu("&Prime Focus") pf.addCommand("Submit To Deadline Python", SubmitToDeadline.main, "")


wow that works…

i have a situation to render DPX and mov files where

write 1 for DPX
write 2 for targa ( for alpha )
write 3 for Quicktime

here I want to generate two deadline jobs with write 1 and 2 submission as one job and write 3 to as another job but after rendering write1 and 2…

but write 3 should have a different setting like concurrent task 1 and machine limit 1 with task size as (frame end-frame start) equation

howz it possible to have two sets of settings and one should render tasks based on those settings?

pls help me