Unable to use letter drive with AWS Portal Asset Server


Unable to use letter drive with AWS Portal Asset Server.

We have partial success using UNC pathing, but this is undesirable as the dependencies within our project files reference a letter drive.


Does anyone have any advice? What resources/logs are available to troubleshoot?

Details and Configuration

  • Windows 10
  • Deadline 10.2
  • AWS Portal Link: Online, running as logged in user
  • AWS Portal Asset Server: Online, running as logged in user


  • When using UNC pathing for submitting the 3ds Max file. The job behaves as if it completed successfully, but frame is not written back to our NAS. There are errors in the job’s log:

    Error mapping Y: to Y:/: The network name cannot be found.

  • When using letter drive pathing for submitting the 3ds Max file. An error is generated in the job’s log:

    Error: FailRenderException: 3dsmax: Invalid max file: “E:/Yb93ca4f67e5c4f3d8967bcc66adefe6l/Deadline/Testing/cavusfoot_test_render/cavusfoot_test_render.max”

What we have tried

  • Add “Y:/” as a Root Directory under “Asset Server Settings”.

    • If we attempt while the AWS Portal infrastructure is not running, we do not get a validation error. However, once we launch a Spot Fleet we get the following error:

      An AWS Portal Asset Server root directory has come across the following error (s):
      Error: Asset Server root “Y:/” does not appear to exist. Please ensure all network drives are mounted properly.
      Would you still like to start a spot fleet?

      This implies that network drive might not be mounted properly, but the drive works perfectly fine on the machine running AWS Portal Asset Server when navigating with File Explorer.

    • If we attempt while the AWS Portal infrastructure is running we get an unknown validation error:

      An unknown error has occurred during validation of the settings. Check the Deadline Monitor Logs for more information.
      Would you like to still save the settings?

  • Add “Y:/” as a mapped drive under “Configure Repository Options”.

    • This did not seem to have any impact.


Hello @swarminteractive

Thanks for reaching out. The error when you used the Letter drives is because of below:

2023-04-10 20:14:37:  0: INFO: >Defining Sessions Paths...
2023-04-10 20:14:37:  0: INFO: ===========================================================================
2023-04-10 20:14:37:  0: INFO: 0 Assets Found in the Job's Metadata.
2023-04-10 20:14:37:  0: INFO: ===========================================================================
2023-04-10 20:14:37:  0: INFO: >Modifying asset paths of Main Scene File...
2023-04-10 20:14:37:  0: INFO: ===========================================================================
2023-04-10 20:14:37:  0: CheckPathMapping: Swapped "Y:\Deadline\Testing\cavusfoot_test_render\cavusfoot_test_render.max" with "E:\Yb93ca4f67e5c4f3d8967bcc66a8efe61\Deadline\Testing\cavusfoot_test_render\cavusfoot_test_render.max"
2023-04-10 20:14:37:  0: INFO: >No .max file found as an auxiliary data file, looking for referenced [SceneFile] in Job Info: [E:\Yb93ca4f67e5c4f3d8967bcc66a8efe61\Deadline\Testing\cavusfoot_test_render\cavusfoot_test_render.max].
2023-04-10 20:14:37:  0: WARNING: --No .max scene file submitted with this job, so could not modify the asset paths.
2023-04-10 20:14:37:  0: WARNING: --Please make sure the .max scene file is submitted with the job as an auxiliary file.
2023-04-10 20:14:37:  0: INFO: >Finished modifying asset paths of Main Scene File.

The job is trying to modify the asset paths, can you try an submit the scene with the job? Are there any external references in the scene?

If that does not help, follow here: https://awsthinkbox.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/9530119943447-Render-on-AWS-Portal-Render-output-is-missing-or-is-not-what-I-expected