AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Unattended installation for Linux

I am trying to perform an unattended installation of Deadline 10 for linux in the hope of replicating the steps to build a Deadline 10 docker container.

The error I am getting is this

root@b029cde28196:/# ./ --mode unattended
Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly
 Error: Authentication is specified as required in Database Connection Settings file, but no credentials were found and SSL is not enabled. (FranticX.Database.DatabaseConnectionException)
Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly
 Error: Authentication is specified as required in Database Connection Settings file, but no credentials were found and SSL is not enabled. (FranticX.Database.DatabaseConnectionException)
root@b029cde28196:/# ./ --mode unattended \
> --unattendedmodeui minimal \ 

Error: There has been an error.
Expected option but got " ". Options start with a leading "--" prefix
Use --help to get a list of valid options

You need to specify more arguments - repository url/directory, certificate if it’s needed, etc.

Check out the official docs for the options:

Seconding Mois’ suggestion, but with the 10.3 link - Database and Repository Installation (Advanced) — Deadline documentation


I think there’s a trailing space in your last command that the installer is attempting to interpret as a flag.

As said above, it should resemble this:

    <directory with installer>/ --mode unattended --connectiontype Repository --repositorydir <your repo> --dbsslcertificate <your repo>/<your certificate>/Deadline10Client.pfx --dbsslpassword <password you defined when building the repo>  

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