Unbounded mesh

will you put the unbounded mesh generating option in Frost? For now, if we do the meshing of RealFlow GFD particles Frost creates a cubic mesh (bounded) and there is no way to create unbounded meshes for water surfaces, as I know… Or we can make it with some MagmaFlow tweaking? Is there a way to get only those particles, which represents the water surface?
That would be great to work with water surfaces with this feature.

I’m not familiar with GFD particles. Do you know if they keep track of which particles are on the free surface?

I don’t think there is any way to do this currently using Frost or MagmaFlow. The closest thing I can think of is to add something like a Slice modifier to remove the surfaces you don’t want.

I’ve got the same issue, here. We are meshing a Hybrido grid coming from Realflow via Frost. To do so, we are exporting the Grid Domain from Realflow as BIN particles and have those BIN particles meshed in Frost. As we do only need the water surface (and splashes or ripples on top of that surface), it was great having an option for doing so.

How would you want this to work?

Would you happen to know if GFD particles have an attribute that indicates whether they are on the free surface?

This woud make it easier, of course. In Realflow, you can determine if particles are inside or at the outside of the particle cloud, by using the following function:

…this could be a starting point, if this property is also to be found in the BINs after export. I know inside Realflow’s default Grid fluid mesher, there is an option to mesh the surface only.