undocking Rollout

just a gimmick:

would it be possible do change the undocking icon of each rollout in this way, that if I undock one, I have the possibilite to dock it back without leaving the main Dialog in Krakatoa. I.e. just the header of the rollout and a “dock back again” button.

The backdrop: I use 3 screens: on the left I have my main controll i.e. Krakatoa dialog. On the right I’m used to organize floaters and the middle, well, there are funny movies…:wink:.
So I often inadvertenly open a floater on the left wich I dont need at the moment. Instead to push the button a second time I have to switch to the right…
Also I klick sometime the close button on a undocked floater. Instead find it again in the main contol in its usual place I have to layaway through the Krakatoa GUI Rollout dialog tp actovate the “lost” one again.

Well, I know its just a cosmetic aspect but I’m sure a lot of people would appreciate that.


Right-clicking any other rollout’s []> icon lets you unhide any accidentally hidden rollouts.
SHIFT+Select in that menu navigates to the rollout (sets it in focus)

I just added to that same menu:
*CTRL+Select to dock the selected rollout to the Primary Floater.
*SHIFT+CTRL+Select to dock the selected rollout to the Secondary Floater.

So as long as you have other rollouts visible on the left monitor, you will be able to use their icon’s right-click menu to quickly dock any other floating dialog.
I don’t think I will do any more tweaking to those controls at this point though.

ok, sounds good.

I posted the updated scripts in the Builds forum.
*Make a backup of the Scripts folder of your Krakatoa installation.
*Unzip the files into the Scripts folder. (you will need Admin rights to do this on Vista and Win7)

thanks a lot. :wink: