Unreal Engine 5.4 - Not rendering in batch

I’ve successfully installed Deadline on Unreal Engine 5.4. However, when I try to submit a job via the Movie Render Queue (remote rendering), it only submits one task for frame 0.

When the render starts, it opens the project and renders all the frames, but rendering a 1000+ frame sequence with the Path Tracer on a single PC isn’t feasible, especially when we have a local render farm available.

I also tried using the Deadline Movie Queue Submitter, which submitted each frame individually, but the render didn’t proceed. It just opens the project and then does nothing.

Is there a proper way to enable batch rendering across multiple machines?

How did you manage to install Deadline in UE 5.4? Did you simply drag the two plugin folders to the 5.4 project? We are getting a failed to compile error?

I encountered the same issue and found a workaround that worked for me:

  1. Ensure no Deadline plugins are installed and that Visual Studio 2022 is installed.

  2. If your project isn’t already a C++ project, you’ll need to convert it. To do this, create a new C++ class by going to Tools > New C++ Class. Follow the prompts, then exit the project.

You should now see a .sln file for your project.

  1. In the root folder of your project, create a folder named Plugins, and place the Deadline plugin folders inside it.

  2. Open the .sln file in Visual Studio.

  3. On the right side, in the folder hierarchy, find the file that matches your project name, right-click on it, and select Build.

This should start the build process, and some additional folders will be generated in the root directory. If something doesn’t work, you can delete these new folders and try rebuilding.

  1. The plugins should now be working!

If these steps aren’t clear, check out this tutorial for more details on the build process: Unreal 5 IDE build tutorial.

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Amazingly clear instructions thank you!

To add to your original post, I have now installed UE5.4 on two render machines, submitted a simple job, and both machines pick up rendering 50% of the frames each. This is a simple lumen render so I will test PT shortly and come back to you.

I don’t want to take over your post here but one more question I’m having; I’m trying to get the render machines to use -Cmd version of UE rather than the main exe. I can add the CommandLineArgument -renderoffscreen but this will simple hide the application NOT use the command line version. Do you use the command line version or have any thoughts on how we could?

Thanks Danny

No problem!

So you managed to distribute a sequence across two machines? If that’s the case, could I ask how you did it? Haha

I haven’t tried the command line version yet, though I did look into it. It seemed a bit too complex for my liking. I’d be interested to hear if you’ve managed to get anything working!

My main goal is batch rendering at the moment, and I’m open to any method, even if it involves using the command line :slight_smile:

I’ll have a look at sharing a video and the scene with you. (Y)

We have been told to use UE5.4 on render machines we either have to pay for a license for each node OR run them via command line. :frowning:

Back soon.

I dont beleive I have done anything special.

Open UE5.4
Create a new project
Follow your instructions on how to install deadline plugin
Reopen the project
Restart UE
Project settings > update Default Remote Executor and Default Executor Job*
Add a cine camera
Create a Level Sequence
Drag the level sequence into Movie Render Queue
create a MRQ setting preset which has a specific frame ranges
Create and populate a Deadline Job Preset - simply adding a name and pool.
Make sure the batch name is populated for both of the Level sequence
and click render remote…

  • Screenshot 2024-10-18 at 1.45.50 pm

Watch UE54-R25-26 | Streamable - video of it working for me.

Unique Download Link | WeTransfer - zipped up project, you should simply be able to change the pool and your farm pick up the job?

As you can see from this video both render 25 and 26 pick up the job and render frames 0-75 and 75-150 respectively. If nothing else I hope you can pull that scene around and find an answer!

Let me know if you look into headless rendering…

Thanks Danny


Thanks! I’ll check it out. Although it seems like the Streamable link is no longer working.

Headless rendering is something I’m really interested in, so please keep me updated if you make any breakthroughs!

Link video can not be watched, this is too useful for me, I am learning, can upload again?