Upgrade to caused issues with Pools and client apps crashing

Hey guys,
I havent seen any reports of others having these issues but I thought I should report the issues we seen since upgrading Deadline from to
Firstly, a bunch of workstations and render nodes failed to pull the auto-update from the new Repository installation as they usually do. Some would just show the notification that they were updating but would never actually update. Others would update and then crash when Launcher was started, and would throw QT errors - “This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin “windows”. Available platform plugins are: minimal, offscreen, windows.”
We had to manually install the client updates on those machines that had the Qt errors.

Another thing we found was that any new jobs we submitted since the update would not behave with assigned Pools correctly and Slaves/Workers that were not assigned the jobs would pick up tasks and then fail the jobs they should have been ignoring.
We also found that some jobs weren’t hold blacklists correctly.

We are now in the process of reverting back to v10.1.5.1
Will report back here if those issues persist but I was assuming was due to the update we did yesterday as we had no issues prior top the update.

Just wanted to follow up here on my last post.
We reverted back to v10.1.5.1 to resolve the issues we immediately found with

Everything is mostly working correctly now.
The only issue we have now is a bug that has recurred since it got fixed in the 10.0.x.x versions, which is that assigned Pools on jobs cannot be changed once a job is submitted to Deadline.

eg. If a job is incorrectly assigned a Pool, you cannot then edit that setting in the already submitted job. You have to open the scene and resubmit the job from Maya with the correct settings to get the shot rendering with correct Pools.

This can be a problem when artists make minor mistakes on job submissions for 100 shot episodes and we then have to reopen every shot to resubmit from Maya just to get the jobs rendering correctly.

edit: I haven’t seen anything in the Release Notes for more recent versions which suggest that the issue has been resolved.

We have run into the same QT errors when trying to upgrade to and found out the problem was simply the OS version. The latest version of Deadline no longer works on Windows 7 Pro which our farm is on. So in order to upgrade to the latest version you need to upgrade the OS to windows 10.

With regard to the pools being un-editable: is the pools drop-down disabled for the artists? Does it work for a super-user?

Sorry Justin, I should have been a bit more clear in my explanation.
What I meant to say was that when you edit the Pools in the jobs, the change does nothing. You can change it, but it only has an affect if the job hasn’t already begun rendering.
That seems to be the case for anything related to the Pools, including the job’s allocated Pools or changing the Pool priorities for the Workers/Slaves.
That is, as long as the job has not started rendering yet, the changes made to the Pools or their priorities will take effect, otherwise if the job has already started rendering it will just keep going as though you hadn’t changed anything even though the settings had been changed.

I see! If you suspend and resume the job after editing the pools do the correct machines start picking up the job instead?

The reason being that the incorrect machines are already rendering, and they aren’t checking to see if an update to the job affects them. But suspending the job and resuming it will add it to the list of jobs in the Pending Job scan, which should respect the updated Pools.