Upload draft to shotgun with "Create Version on Submission=False"

Hi, when I set the option “Create Version on Submission” to False - the draft upload to shotgun not works and I’m getting the warning:

WARNING: Could not find an associated Shotgun Version ID.  The Draft output will not be uploaded to Shotgun.

Deadline Version:

It works ok, when “create version on submission” = True. But I really don’t want to create a shotgun version immediately after the submission…
I’ve also tried to change the order of the events plugin (-> running Shotgun before Draft), but it doesn’t help.

EDIT: I think there is a bug, that the DraftEventPlugin reads only cached job settings - not the updated one. I’ve changed the events order to Render → Shotgun → Draft and modify DraftEventPlugin.py to:

#Get the shotgun ID from the job
shotgunID = job.GetJobExtraInfoKeyValue( "VersionId" )
#HACK: try reload job if versionID not found
if (shotgunID == ""):
    job_sg = RepositoryUtils.GetJob(job.JobId, True) # force cache update
    shotgunID = job_sg.GetJobExtraInfoKeyValue("VersionId")

This solves the issue…