I’ve got custom farm on EC2, all instances are in a VPC and only the ‘master’ has internet access. I’m finally replacing the backburner setup with (usage based) deadline
The master machine has the repo and database on it and I can submit through a VPN from my workstation. this all works great…
The other instances in the VPC (slaves) have no internet access, so I figured I could run the DL proxy server on the master and let the slaves get their UsageBased lics that way. The proxy seems to work fine, the slaves can connect to the repo on the master using it, but the slaves are stuck in ‘lic free’ mode (or sometimes ‘exp/invalid’).
So they are not getting the lics… the slave on the master does get and works fine. This even works if I set the master to connect to the repo using it’s own proxy server (not sure if this is a solid way of test it but it works).
So should this setup work in the first place or am I missing a piece of the puzzle?
(all ec2 instances run windows server 2012, deadline 8.0)
I think this docs page would make for a good read for your background info on all things licensing related:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … based.html
For non-internet connected machines, you will need HA Proxy:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … proxy.html
For any 3rd party licensing UBL needs (ie: not Deadline UBL but say, V-Ray credits, etc), you will need the License Forwarder:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … arder.html
I think I’ll leave it at that for a moment, to give you a chance to digest the above links. Feel free to ask more questions!
EDIT: Before I forget, please feel free to send us any suggestions/feedback for improvement. We are always looking at ways to make things better/easier.
Thanks, I’ve seen those, but I now realize my mistake, the included proxy server mentioned here…
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … proxy.html
…Is not the same as the proxy for lics, just one to connect tot to repos/DB. I thought it was a convenient does-it-all prebuild proxy server for windows Maybe a footnote in that document it isn’t a licensing proxy as well would make that more clear, it obvious now but somehow I missed that.
I’ll think i’ll just give my render nodes an internet connection, that’s probably easier then setting up all the lics proxy/forwarding stuff.
Good call. I’ll tweak the docs! Yeah, I need to check, but I believe intent in the future is to roll some of these apps together to simplify.