Use auxilary file in command line job

I want to submit a manual command line job with a auxiliary file and a want to use the path of the auxiliary file as argument.
The auxiliary file is a after effects project file and I want to run it with a startup script.

So basically this is what I have so far, with hard coded path to the after effects file instead of auxiliary file:

Executable: C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe After Effects CC 2015/Support Files/
Arguments: -noui -m -s “var f=‘PATH TO AFTER EFFECTS PROJECT.aepx’; var matDir=’//nas1/materials/TestClient/A/fam/Sidney_V001’; $.evalFile(PATH TO THE SCRIPT.jsx’)”

I want to replace PATH TO AFTER EFFECTS PROJECT.aepx with a path to the auxiliary file, PATH TO THE SCRIPT should stay as it is, on a network location.
Is there some variable that I can put there so when the job starts it gets replaces with the auxiliary file?
