Use Draft without deadline

How can I use draft to convert a sequence of EXR’s to a mov file without having to run it through deadline? Is it possible to just call it directly using python?

Are there some examples I can look at?

In my case I have a list of exr images I want to convert to an h264 video.
Not sure how to do this with python. I’m still looking around in the code.

All i need to set is the framerate and the codec, possibly the resolution as well.

Draft Standalone: … standalone

Draft Python cookbook: … l#cookbook

Update. For anyone looking for examples here are two functions that convert an incoming image sequence to an H264 mov file and the other function converts exrs to pngs.

import sys
import Draft
from DraftParamParser import ReplaceFilenameHashesWithNumber
import os

def renderDraftQT(source, destination, startframe, endframe):
convert one image to another using draft.
ex: renderDraftQT(’/exr2/teapot_.####.exr’, ‘/exr2/’, 0, 30)
encoder = Draft.VideoEncoder( destination, codec=‘H264’, quality=85, fps=23.976 )

for frame in range (startframe, endframe + 1):
    fileIn = ReplaceFilenameHashesWithNumber( source, frame )
    img = Draft.Image.ReadFromFile( fileIn )
    img.ApplyGamma( 1.0 / 2.2 )
    encoder.EncodeNextFrame( img )


def renderDraftPNG(source, destination, startframe, endframe):
convert one image to another using draft.
ex: renderDraftPNG(’/exr2/teapot_.####.exr’, ‘/exr2/png/teapot_.####.png’, 0, 30)

for frame in range (startframe, endframe + 1):
    fileIn = ReplaceFilenameHashesWithNumber( source, frame )
    if not os.path.isfile(fileIn):
        print 'File does not exist:', fileIn

    fileOut = ReplaceFilenameHashesWithNumber( destination, frame )
    img = Draft.Image.ReadFromFile( fileIn )
    img.ApplyGamma( 1.0 / 2.2 )
    img.WriteToFile( fileOut )
    print 'converted:', fileOut

s = ‘C:\Users\Martini\Desktop\trash\draft\imgs\exr2\teapot_.####.exr’
d = ‘C:\Users\Martini\Desktop\trash\draft\imgs\exr2\’
renderDraftQT(s, d, 0, 30)

s = ‘C:\Users\Martini\Desktop\trash\draft\imgs\exr2\teapot_.####.exr’
d = ‘C:\Users\Martini\Desktop\trash\draft\imgs\exr2\png\teapot_.####.png’
renderDraftPNG(s, d, 0, 30)[/code]