User name from Event script

I hope this is simple. I’d like to pull the user name (e.g. SubmitUserName from the .job file) in an OnJobStarted Event plug-in. I’ve found many ways not to do this, marching through the scripting functions that had “user” in their name, with the end result being some variant of " has no attribute ". I’m not a programmer, so I suspect either I’m missing a very basic concept here about Python, or a very basic concept about Deadline (e.g. you can’t do this in an Event context). Is there a way to get this?

You just need to return the job object:

[code]from Deadline.Events import *

def GetDeadlineEventListener():
return ExampleEventListener()

class ExampleEventListener ( DeadlineEventListener ):

def OnJobStarted( self, job ):
         username = job.JobUserName[/code]

Thanks a lot. I don’t know how I didn’t try what looks to be the basic way to do this but it works fine now. Much appreciated.