Excited to try out ember. Is the UV advection scene available somewhere to look at? Its given me some ideas for creating churning foam maps for ocean/whitecaps with particle motion driven by the underlaying mesh.
I noticed that it appears to need Genome to transfer/read the information from Bobos example video?
I will post the scene ASAP.
Yes, it requires Genome. It is the only modifier we have that could read data from particles and assign to mesh channels.
The way it was set up was this:
*SIM Ember is initialized with a Vector field representing the UVs of the mesh.
*A velocity field is created using PFlow or whatever.
*The UV Vector field is advected
*A PRT Ember is used to resample the data to particles
*The Genome modifier is used to sample the particles of the PRT Ember and assign to the mapping channel of the mesh.
The last two steps will be improved in the future by adding direct SIM Ember access to Genome via the InputField operator. The results will be very similar, but it would require less objects (no PRT Ember) and will read the data better (no ParticleSumRadius averaging).
Note that we just added an Ember Texmap internally on Friday. It will be able to represent a Color vector field as colors in any material. In other words, it is a 3D procedural texture map that turns an Ember field into texels. Might be useful for churning stuff, too…
I remembered that there was a bug in the Alpha 1 build that caused problems acquiring UV coordinates via NearestPoint.
We have fixed this internally and will post a new build in the next days.
Once you have the Alpha 2 build, I will make sure I will post the mapping scenes too…
The Plane case can be faked by setting the UV vector field procedurally without acquiring mapping from the mesh, but for the Sphere or more complex geometry that won’t work without a fixed Ember build.
It is a bit hacky, but it will get better in the future.
We don’t have a Genome for 2013 available to the public, but if anyone want to try it out, we can post our internal beta build.
The scenes were saves as Max2010, so they should work in all versions of Max supported by Ember.