I’m a little confused so wanted to ask here in case I’m missing something. I have been playing with the license free Deadline version (not yet updated to the When I try and render an animation using V-ray (for modo), all of my frames are getting written out with the same name so that I only ever have one image in the destination folder - the frame number isn’t getting inserted in the output name.
Sorry for missing this. We’ll try and tackle this here.
Silly question, but what are you output settings for Modo? Specifically, are you using the output pattern options? By default Deadline is going to let Modo do what it likes based on what you provided, but the submitter does have the option to override it. We have some documentation about this over here: docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … -rendering
The output settings are OK - they are the same as I used to previously render an earlier version of the scene using modo itself under Deadline. The output pattern is the same as well. The only thing I did differently for submitting the scene to render with V-ray was to set that option on in the submission dialog. I didn’t try any output overrides in Deadline.
Hmm. Would you be willing to try setting up a similar scene with a cube and maybe one image as a test to post here? I haven’t heard of many problems with output pathing recently, but I also haven’t heard much about V-Ray for Modo either.
I seem to be able to get the frame numbers seemingly by default. I installed V-Ray 3.40.02 on my Mac and ran it through. I did change the output filename to “/Users/edwin.amsler/Downloads/test/output/frm”, but nothing else was changed. Here is the output folder:
OK. I managed to fix it up by tweaking the modo python script to add the DVray_file in the following line, which seems to be related to vrmesh proxies :
if name.lower() == 'filename' or name == 'file' or name == 'pattern' or name == 'irrLName' or name == 'irrSName' or name == "filePath" or name == "filePattern" or name == "scene" or name == "vray_file":
if name.lower() == 'filename' or name == 'file' or name == 'pattern' or name == 'irrLName' or name == 'irrSName' or name == 'filePath' or name == 'filePattern' or name == 'scene' \
or name == 'vray_file' or name == 'vray_filename' or name == 'vray_filepath' or name == 'vray_prepass_fileName' or name == 'vray_ptex_file' or name == 'vray_irr_file' or name == 'vray_lc_file' or name == 'vray_phomap_file' \
or name == 'vray_caus_file' or nane == 'vray_lens_file' or name == 'vray_stereo_shademap_file' or name == 'vray_cache_cache_path':
D’oh for the first; for the second, that’s the channel name I was given by the Chaos Group developer of Vray for modo. It caught my eye, but I haven’t yet had time to set up a file with the channel in use.
I’m still fighting with Path Mapping to get a scene that works without rendering black under Deadline, so it’s taking some of my time away from the other stuff.