V-Ray Returned Non-Zero Error Code: 127

Working on a VRay 5 Standalone setup with the Repo on Windows Server 2019 and VRay on Linux 2. Still a newbie to command line interface but I believe I have successfully installed and activated the VRay license server on the render workers. It appears that Standalone has launched and what seems to be missing is a file:

The Deadline Worker log reports a missing file:

/mnt/studio/installers/Vray/Vray_5_Standalone_Linux/bin/vray.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libvray.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The Standalone files are stored on a shared network location, which are available to the Linux machines. I can manually access them. The problem is that libvray.so is not a part of VRay 5 Standalone program files.

Could this be an issue with the Deadline plugin’s vray.py file, or maybe it is that VRay 5 Standalone hasn’t been installed correctly?




Error: FailRenderException : V-Ray returned non-zero error code: 127. Check the render log.

at Deadline.Plugins.DeadlinePlugin.FailRender(String message) (Python.Runtime.PythonException)

File “/var/lib/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/ip-10-0-0-9/plugins/600b533e4cbefa0e206627cf/Vray.py”, line 366, in CheckExitCode

self.FailRender( “V-Ray returned non-zero error code: %s. Check the render log.” % exitCode )

at Python.Runtime.Dispatcher.Dispatch(ArrayList args)

at __FranticX_GenericDelegate1`1[[System_Int32, System_Private_CoreLib, Version=4_0_0_0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]]Dispatcher.Invoke(Int32 )

at FranticX.Processes.ManagedProcess.CheckExitCode(Int32 exitCode)

at Deadline.Plugins.DeadlinePlugin.CheckExitCode(Int32 exitCode)

at FranticX.Processes.ManagedProcess.Execute(Boolean waitForExit)

at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.RenderTasks(Task task, String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)






Stack Trace


at Deadline.Plugins.SandboxedPlugin.d(DeadlineMessage brr, CancellationToken brs)

at Deadline.Plugins.SandboxedPlugin.RenderTask(Task task, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.c(TaskLogWriter aja, CancellationToken ajb)




2021-01-22 23:08:34: 0: Loading Job’s Plugin timeout is Disabled

2021-01-22 23:08:34: 0: SandboxedPlugin: Render Job As User disabled, running as current user ‘root’

2021-01-22 23:08:35: 0: Executing plugin command of type ‘Initialize Plugin’

2021-01-22 23:08:35: 0: INFO: Executing plugin script ‘/var/lib/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/ip-10-0-0-9/plugins/600b533e4cbefa0e206627cf/Vray.py’

2021-01-22 23:08:35: 0: INFO: About: V-Ray Standalone Plugin for Deadline

2021-01-22 23:08:35: 0: INFO: The job’s environment will be merged with the current environment before rendering

2021-01-22 23:08:35: 0: Done executing plugin command of type ‘Initialize Plugin’

2021-01-22 23:08:35: 0: Start Job timeout is disabled.

2021-01-22 23:08:35: 0: Task timeout is disabled.

2021-01-22 23:08:35: 0: Loaded job: vray_standalone_v12 (600b533e4cbefa0e206627cf)

2021-01-22 23:08:36: 0: Executing plugin command of type ‘Start Job’

2021-01-22 23:08:36: 0: DEBUG: S3BackedCache Client is not installed.

2021-01-22 23:08:36: 0: INFO: Executing global asset transfer preload script ‘/var/lib/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/ip-10-0-0-9/plugins/600b533e4cbefa0e206627cf/GlobalAssetTransferPreLoad.py’

2021-01-22 23:08:36: 0: INFO: Looking for legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer…

2021-01-22 23:08:36: 0: INFO: Looking for legacy (pre-10.0.26) File Transfer controller in /opt/Thinkbox/S3BackedCache/bin/task.py…

2021-01-22 23:08:36: 0: INFO: Could not find legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer.

2021-01-22 23:08:36: 0: INFO: Legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer is not installed on the system.

2021-01-22 23:08:36: 0: Done executing plugin command of type ‘Start Job’

2021-01-22 23:08:36: 0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 40

2021-01-22 23:08:36: 0: Executing plugin command of type ‘Render Task’

2021-01-22 23:08:36: 0: INFO: Starting V-Ray Task

2021-01-22 23:08:36: 0: CheckPathMapping: Swapped “X:\jobs\RenderTest_Maya_2020_VRay5\Shots\Maya_2020\3D_Scenes_Lighting\cache\Maya_2020_v.0012.vrscene” with “/mnt/studio\jobs\RenderTest_Maya_2020_VRay5\Shots\Maya_2020\3D_Scenes_Lighting\cache\Maya_2020_v.0012.vrscene”

2021-01-22 23:08:36: 0: INFO: Performing path mapping on vrscene file

2021-01-22 23:08:36: 0: INFO: Starting to map /mnt/studio/jobs/RenderTest_Maya_2020_VRay5/Shots/Maya_2020/3D_Scenes_Lighting/cache/Maya_2020_v.0012.vrscene

2021-01-22 23:08:37: 0: INFO: Mapping /mnt/studio/jobs/RenderTest_Maya_2020_VRay5/Shots/Maya_2020/3D_Scenes_Lighting/cache/Maya_2020_v.0012.vrscene Include Directives: 100%

2021-01-22 23:08:37: 0: INFO: Stdout Redirection Enabled: True

2021-01-22 23:08:37: 0: INFO: Asynchronous Stdout Enabled: False

2021-01-22 23:08:37: 0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True

2021-01-22 23:08:37: 0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: False

2021-01-22 23:08:37: 0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True

2021-01-22 23:08:37: 0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True

2021-01-22 23:08:37: 0: INFO: Creating New Console: False

2021-01-22 23:08:37: 0: INFO: Running as user: root

2021-01-22 23:08:37: 0: INFO: Executable: “/mnt/studio/installers/Vray/Vray_5_Standalone_Linux/bin/vray.bin”

2021-01-22 23:08:37: 0: CheckPathMapping: Swapped “X:\jobs\RenderTest_Maya_2020_VRay5\Shots\Maya_2020\3D_Scenes_Lighting\images\v12\RenderTest_Maya_2020_VRay5_Standalone_Windows_.jpg” with “/mnt/studio\jobs\RenderTest_Maya_2020_VRay5\Shots\Maya_2020\3D_Scenes_Lighting\images\v12\RenderTest_Maya_2020_VRay5_Standalone_Windows_.jpg”

2021-01-22 23:08:37: 0: INFO: Argument: -scenefile=“/var/lib/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/ip-10-0-0-9/jobsData/600b533e4cbefa0e206627cf/thread0_tempyq7rM0/Maya_2020_v.0012.vrscene” -interactive=0 -autoclose=1 -displaySRGB=1 -rtEngine=0 -frames=40 -imgFile=“/mnt/studio/jobs/RenderTest_Maya_2020_VRay5/Shots/Maya_2020/3D_Scenes_Lighting/images/v12/RenderTest_Maya_2020_VRay5_Standalone_Windows_.jpg” -numThreads=0

2021-01-22 23:08:37: 0: INFO: Full Command: “/mnt/studio/installers/Vray/Vray_5_Standalone_Linux/bin/vray.bin” -scenefile=“/var/lib/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/ip-10-0-0-9/jobsData/600b533e4cbefa0e206627cf/thread0_tempyq7rM0/Maya_2020_v.0012.vrscene” -interactive=0 -autoclose=1 -displaySRGB=1 -rtEngine=0 -frames=40 -imgFile=“/mnt/studio/jobs/RenderTest_Maya_2020_VRay5/Shots/Maya_2020/3D_Scenes_Lighting/images/v12/RenderTest_Maya_2020_VRay5_Standalone_Windows_.jpg” -numThreads=0

2021-01-22 23:08:37: 0: INFO: Startup Directory: “/mnt/studio/installers/Vray/Vray_5_Standalone_Linux/bin”

2021-01-22 23:08:37: 0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal

2021-01-22 23:08:37: 0: INFO: Process Affinity: default

2021-01-22 23:08:37: 0: INFO: Process is now running

2021-01-22 23:08:37: 0: STDOUT: /mnt/studio/installers/Vray/Vray_5_Standalone_Linux/bin/vray.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libvray.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

2021-01-22 23:08:38: 0: INFO: Process exit code: 127

2021-01-22 23:08:38: 0: Done executing plugin command of type ‘Render Task’




Date: 01/22/2021 23:08:41

Frames: 40

Elapsed Time: 00:00:00:08

Job Submit Date: 01/22/2021 22:35:42

Job User: administrator

Average RAM Usage: 633651648 (2%)

Peak RAM Usage: 641732608 (2%)

Average CPU Usage: 4%

Peak CPU Usage: 11%

Used CPU Clocks (x10^6 cycles): 4522

Total CPU Clocks (x10^6 cycles): 113047


Worker Information


Worker Name: ip-10-0-0-9

Version: v10.1.12.1 Release (f21639b8f)

Operating System: Amazon Linux release 2 (Karoo)

Machine User: root

IP Address:

MAC Address: 02:17:AB:D7:43:17

CPU Architecture: x86_64

CPUs: 8

CPU Usage: 1%

Memory Usage: 610.3 MB / 30.6 GB (1%)

Free Disk Space: 296.784 GB

Video Card: Amazon.com, Inc. Device 1111


AWS Information


Instance ID: i-01a3c57759a61f67b

Instance Type: m5.2xlarge

Image ID: ami-0b8972db3224b89cd

Region: us-west-2

Architecture: x86_64

Availability Zone: us-west-2a

Update: Ran the vray.bin file directly on Linux and getting the same error, so it would seem that the issue isn’t with Deadline.

After properly installing VRay for Maya and running the bin, VRay runs correctly. Yet when running VRay from Deadline, the same error occurs.

Anyone successfully running VRay 5 as standalone or for Maya on Linux 2?