v0.9.2.47031 (RC 2) - Installer doesn't replace script files

I was getting errors using debug mode, and after some investigation I found that the latest installer did not overwrite the existing ms/mcr files so Genome was still using the old ones.

After deleting the script files and running the installer again, switching on debug mode gave me the following error:

No ""get"" function for undefined

in Genome_MagmaFlow.ms on line 202 in initDataListView()

I inserted “print columnLayout” before that line and it returned an empty array.

Here’s the full listener output. Note that my flow contains an error, so maybe that is what’s causing the error:

[code]ERR: Magma Channel “Position” Is Not The Expected Type (Arity mismatch):
ERR: ID: 7
ERR: Expected Type: float32[3]
ERR: Found Type: Float
– Error occurred in i loop; filename: C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Genome MX\Scripts\Genome_MagmaFlow.ms; position: 8833; line: 201
– Frame:
– theNodeType: “InputChannel”
– i: #(0, “ERROR”, “Failed To Evaluate Flow”)
– theNodeName: “InputChannel”
– theColumnWidth: 228
– theVal: undefined
– columnName: “0:InputChannel [Position] “InputChannel””
– called in initDataListView(); filename: C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Genome MX\Scripts\Genome_MagmaFlow.ms; position: 9078; line: 208
– Frame:
– layout_def: #(#(“Index”, 40))
– cnt: 1
– lv: dotNetControl:dnc_datalistview:System.Windows.Forms.ListView
– called in updateDialog(); filename: C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Genome MX\Scripts\Genome_MagmaFlow.ms; position: 25367; line: 687
– Frame:
– columnLayout2: #(#(“Position”, 0, 1), #(“Result”, 1, 1), #(“Min”, 2, 1), #(“Subtract”, 3, 1), #(“Subtract”, 4, 1), #(“Divide”, 5, 1))
– forceUpdate: true
– theNodes: #(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
– updateColumns: true
– called in debugFlow(); filename: C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Genome MX\Scripts\Genome_MagmaFlow.ms; position: 216959; line: 5263
– Frame:
– thePos: [344,686]
– called in mnu_debugFlow.picked(); filename: C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Genome MX\Scripts\Genome_MagmaFlow.ms; position: 158797; line: 3793
– Frame:

MAXScript RCMenu function Exception:
– No ““get”” function for undefined <<



Found it, fixed it, we will post a 1.0.1 build with this and another fix.

In the mean time, you can edit line 512 to read

resultsArray = #(#(1, #()))