I couldn’t get the auto-upgrade to work on OSX after upgrading an OSX based repository. Win client worked fine on the auto-upgrade. Yes, auto-update is enabled in the repository! Looks like installing the v6.1 OSX repository upgrade resets the folder permissions again? Tried tweaking them, but still no joy Manual install of OSX client fixed the issue
Job Dependency View - zoom field “100%” is not wider enough to accommodate OSX font. Needs to be a little wider.
Hey Mike,
You’re right - it looks like the files in the Mac’s bin.zip file don’t have their permissions set properly. This should be fixed in 6.1 beta 2. You don’t happen to have the launcher logs from the auto-update do you? That could help us confirm that it was permissions that was the problem.
Yeah, the default 100% zoom level is too close, even on Windows and Linux. We’re actually working on fixing that right now, so it should be better in 6.1 beta 2.
- Ryan
- see attached for launcher logs.
Archive.zip (13.5 KB)
- Not sure you quite read me on this one. I meant that particularly on OSX, the text in the top right hand corner stating the zoom level - “100%”, especially, when it is displaying 3 figures, doesn’t have enough room in the horizontal to display clearly the “%” symbol.
More notes:
- tooltips seem to be missing on OSX for the Job Dependency View buttons, with the exception of 1 of them!
- would be good to have a pan and also a transform/move view control?
- needs a “zoom all” and a “zoom extents” functions
- would be good if the view remembered what “details” I had configured to be visible between closing the panel and re-opening it.
- Whenever I had/remove a “detail” element, all the nodes re-position themselves down to the bottom right corner of the view. Can they not just stay put?
- Nuke has some nice alignment functions. ie: press a button and all the job nodes align themselves in the vertical for example. Similar to desktop icons auto-arranging themselves on the Windows desktop.
- the details form should remember the size & position it is between uses. Annoying have to constantly re-size it every time I open it!
- Doesn’t seem to be a way to break the dependency job/asset/script links, re-connect them or delete the links and therefore either re-link the orphaned job/asset/script OR purge it on closing of the view or navigating away from the view?
- If number 10 point above happens, then mechanism to safe-guard against orphaned dependencies probably needs to be implemented.
- need zoom on selected job node as well.
- Thanks! Looks like it was permissions. The updated repository installer in beta 2 should resolve this issue.
I’ll let Grant comment on the dependency view points. He’s the developer that’s currently working on it.
- Ryan
Hello Mike,
I am the one that has primarily been working on the dependency view so I should be able to answer some of your questions.
- we are increasing the size of the control for next build
- The rest of the tool tips will be included in the next build
- You are currently able to move the control using either the scroll bars or by holding in the middle mouse button however the area to scroll in is bounded by the nodes currently. We are looking into finding a way to increase this area.
- These are things we should be able to add we are working with a new library and would like to add it there so it may take a little bit
- I will look into this right away should be in the next build
- This is legacy to how we use to be drawing the nodes, will be changed for next build.
- This i can try looking into
- Again will Take a look can hopefully be in next build
- This one I am not sure what you are asking for, If you are wanting to know how to break/create dependencies then you can use the delete key to remove highlighted connections, in order to add connections you must drag from the socket of one node to the other nodes socket. If I am missing what you are asking please let me know
- I am not sure what you are asking for this
- This should be being added to the library and will hopefully be ready next build
If you have any other questions feel free to let me know
Grant Bartel
Nice to meet you Grant!
Thanks for your responses. Sounds good!
On points 10 & 11; I was missing the fact that hitting the delete key kills the link! Regardless, I was thinking we need a right-click sub menu within the dependency view to allow disconnecting and connecting of nodes. Would be good to allow the following functionality:
(i) connect/disconnect currently selected node links
(ii) connect -> choose 1 or more of the jobs currently available in the view
(iii) allow type of dependency to be created between 2 jobs as you release the mouse on the destination node
(I think the above makes sense, let me know if not!)
Would be good to have a customisable Filter View in the node view to quickly find certain job types, by job plugin type, by dependency type, etc.
A lot of what I’m suggesting and more points which I haven’t made yet, can all be summarised by asking you to have a play with The Foundry’s Nuke software - DAG interface (QT based).
It has auto 90 degree lock on the connecting nodes when the mouse cursor is moving a node close to this ‘snap’ 90 degree action.
when one or more nodes goes off screen, in the bottom right hand corner you get a zoom or magnification screen box area appear to allow easier navigation over a large nodal setup.
I was kind of expecting jobs to be drag’n’droppable into your dependency view when the panel is docked and you are currently in another ‘tab’ or panel. However, when you select a job in a job view panel and drag it over the currently hidden node view panel, the QT UI currently doesn’t seem to support switching context into this other ‘tab’ or ‘panel’ to get the terminology correct in QT. This is more a core issue for the whole of the monitor than just the nodal view. Also, I kind of imagined a setup where I could drag and drop a Deadline job (or more than one?) and I get asked what kind of dependency I would like to create for them, if I drop a node onto a particular existing job node in the view.
As previously mentioned, Nuke DAG view has auto-arrange functionality and I like the keyboard shortcuts including the “tab” key which allows you to enter the name of a Nuke operator to be created. How about, if this was the search engine within the view to find a particular deadline dependency job or ‘filter by type of dependency’ type of option. Alternatively, a search field where you can type in text in the top right-hand corner would be good.
I struggled to click and create a node link line and drop it on another node in the current view. It took me about 7 attempts to find just the right position to click and hold down the mouse to create the initial link line on the source node and then drag it and release onto the destination node. It felt clunky and un-reliable. Maybe it’s just the mouse clickable areas need some tweaking? or maybe an OSX specific issue or I have fat fingers!
Keyboard shortcuts for all the zoom tools when they come, would be useful and indeed shortcuts on the other menu functions would be great!
Not sure what the current visual nodes bottom 2/3 of the node space is for? ie: on each node, 2/3 of the way down from the top, there is a horizontal bar and then an empty space field at the bottom. Not sure what this is for? wasted space? future feature?
I can only create links in the view from a “square” to a “circle” symbol on another node. Should I not be able to create the links either way?
Double-clicking a “required asset” or “script” node doesn’t do anything at the moment. I think it makes sense, to open the job properties/tab interface of the corresponding job which has these dependencies attached to it. At the end of the day, I want to navigate as quick as possible to make a modification and in a big nodal tree, I want the tree to ‘think’ for me
Overall, I do really like the new nodal view just in case you’re wondering! I’ve been asking Ryan at least 4 years for this feature, so its nice to finally see it in action!
Hey Mike,
Glad to hear that you like it so far.
For the right click options, for connecting/disconnecting currently selected nodes we should be able to, we just need to figure out which way the link goes and what to do about selecting multiple.
For point 2 do you mean open a popup to choose what to connect it to, or have a list within the right click menu? and for 3 do you mean dragging a node onto another node (we tried looking into this and it might be possible just trying to figure out a good way of doing it) or being able to drop the connection anywhere onto the node instead of the socket (this is something that I am looking into it will probably need to be changed in the library we are using)
For the customisable filter do you just want to be able to make nodes invisible or highlight the other nodes in some way.
For the drag and drop functionality, we currently just add them to the view so connections can be made manually after, which can be done by locking the view (the lock button) and then dragging a node in. And yeah we can’t access panels that are currently hidden as far as I know.
For the hit testing no that is not you, we were having some issues with that as well, I believe that that has been fixed and should be updated in the next release.
The bottom 1/3 of the node is currently like that because the space for our sockets(the circle and square for the links) and the details above it are being kept separate, this was primarily to keep the looks similar to Magma, I agree that it is larger then it has to be.
Connections should be able to be made by dragging from either one to the opposite symbol (hit testing can make it a pain, again should be fixed by next build)
For double clicking on the node I wasn’t sure what we wanted to do, one thought was to explore the directory. Doing what you suggest might be possible however we then have to decide on if want to open just the ones currently in the view (easy) or every single job that has a dependency to that asset/script (“difficult”/slower since the asset/scripts do not store information)
The magnification area is something that I have requested to be added to the library and others have as well, so it should be added I cannot give you a timing though.
Hopefully that answers some of the questions, feel free to add more if you want this is being built for you guys.
Grant Bartel
Hi Grant,
I don’t mind if it’s a pop-up or listed in a RC menu. Just interested in the concept of node connectivity. I like the idea of being able to pick up a node and brush/touch other nodes, for them to become connected. Perhaps, whilst holding down a keyboard shortcut key to enable this functionality would make it a a lot easier to identify and solve any false positives. The idea ia touch the node anywhere and not just the socket area.
Yes, the idea of being able to visually filter in/out certain nodes, perhaps based on project/sequence/shot as discussed in this thread:
Shame, you can’t access other panels.
Fair enough. Makes sense to just explore the directory path.
Nuke has a magnification area built into its DAG node viewport QT system. Guess they must have solved the lack of functionality in the QT library by doing something different…?
Looking forward to beta v2