This is the demo scene containing a teapot that burns when illuminated.
The scene was created in Max 2013 but was resaved in Max 2010 format. It was tested and loads correctly in Max 2012, too.
The scene contains a Teapot, an extruded spline representing a wall with a window, a Spotlight and a Wind SpaceWarp.
The simulation is performed by SIM Ember and is the converted to particles using a PRT Ember object for rendering in Krakatoa.
The simulation is performed by taking the LevelSet of the Teapot and checking that the sample Position is within +/- 1.0 unit of the surface.
Then the sample is checked against the light using an IntersectRay and if it is not blocked by a mesh, Density and Velocity are set.
The Density is accumulated with an Extinction value, so the incoming Density is reduced somewhat, and then the new value is added to it.
The Velocity is taken from the Wind SpaceWarp. Please note that the Wind is used in Max as a FORCE, while this example uses it as a VELOCITY.
So in Particle Flow, a Wind Force is applied to a particle to change its Velocity, while in this scene the Force value is taken directly as the Velocity without acceleration over time.
It is of course possible to accumulate the Value of the SpaceWarp into the Velocity channel over time, but this scene does not do that.
The PRT Ember reads the Density channel and creates particles where it is above a Threshold. The color is set by Velocity Magnitude.
Krakatoa 2.1.2 is required for rendering the example. A Spacing of 0.5 is used at render time, creating about 200K particles which are rendered additively.
Attached is also a QuickTime of the Krakatoa rendering composited additively over a Scanline rendering of the scene. (1.22 MB) (26.9 KB)