Various Bugs

Some things I came across today:

  • point light with cubic decay doesn´t work
  • can´t save mb file because MayaKrakatoaRenderSettings and KrakatoaUIFrameSettings are of unknown type
  • hidden particles still render

-point light with cubic decay doesn´t work
I will take a look at fixing this. It shouldn’t be too hard.

-hidden particles still render
I can probably fix this one easily enough too.

-can´t save mb file because MayaKrakatoaRenderSettings and KrakatoaUIFrameSettings are of unknown type
I have never seen this before. A MayaKrakatoaRenderSettings object should be created when Krakatoa is set as the renderer, and it should be saved with the scene. What is the exact error message that you are getting? Are there steps I can do to reproduce the problem here so I can try to fix it?

Thanks for the bug reports!

The last error can be reproduced on my machine by changing the file type from the default (ma) to maya binary (mb) after rendering in the render view when trying to save. Now it should give the error “Can´t save because scene contains unknown nodes”. After deleting those nodes it works again.

Thank you! I can reproduce that bug now when switching back and forth from file save types. Thank you for posting the steps to reproduce it. I’ll try to figure out what’s going wrong.

All three of these bugs have been fixed and will be in the next release. Thanks for the reports!

The build with these bug fixes has been posted to the download section. Which includes support the cubic decay option for lights, fix for the file saving bug, and fixing the hidden particles bug.