Vdb from RealFlow


I’m trying to import a vbd file exported from RealFlow but I’m not sure it is properly imported. If I try with other 3d packages can mesh the result and it is showing a good result, but it doesn’t seem the same with StokeMX. Could you help me?

This is the file and I’m using 3dsmax 2014.

dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/819 … _00426.rar



Hi Luis,

When I load the VDB using the Stoke Field Loader (single frame only), I can see that it contains several valid channels that I can visualize as colors and lines:
fluid_distance (float)
solid_distance (float)
fluid_acceleration (vector)
fluid_velocity (vector)
solid_velocity (vector)

If I then create a Stoke Field Sim object and add an InputField object, then pick the loader, it exposes the above channels as output sockets and I could connect the fluid_velocity to the Velocity output of the simulator to use that to drive my own sim. Similarly, I can make a Stoke Field Magma and use it to simply remap the fluid_velocity field to Velocity. Then I can pick the Stoke Field Magma as the source of a Stoke Particle Simulator to advect some particles.

So in my experience, it works as designed, just requires the remapping of the RealFlow channels to Stoke channels since the stored channels mean nothing particular in Stoke otherwise.

Thanks Bobo,

I’ll try that!
