Vector Chanel not stored in RPT

Rendered directly from PFlow ( 1/100 particle compared to second image )

Vector Chanel color

and RPT Loading 8M particles

it seams partirios cache files do not storing the Vector Chanel

render settings are the same exept particles density/less particles

it is a BUG?



[ EDIT1 ] picture1 has color information on partiles, picture2 is B/W… [ EDIT1 ]

[ EDIT2 ] updatet the second picture so they are at the same frame and both without MB [ EDIT2 ]

[ EDIT3 ]
I think I’v got the problem of this scene…
well… particles color is script written, but PFlow do not evaluate Scripts bevore particle placement ( I could even not reproduce pfl rendering ), and it seams this problems comms if second krakatoa is rendering in background.
After another job was done it works!
Even on the OLD RPT files as you see hier


test with 2xPFlow partisces as in pictue1

[ EDIT3 ]

Little drops of water, little grains of sand, make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land…

Posting pictures is great, but some more step-by-step info would be even better.

*So in the first image, you set the Particle Color to Particle Vector Channel.

*Then you saved the same particles to PRT, again with Particle Vector Channel selected as the color source. Save Colors was checked by default.

*Then you loaded the PRT file in a PRT Loader and rendered. The PRT Loader is set to use “Saved Particle Colors” by default.

At this point, since you saved the vector channel colors to the color channel of the PRT file, you would expect to render those colors.

(Obviously, a PRT file does not know about Scripted Vector Channels, Krakatoa takes the data from PFlow’s channel and uses it as color source which is saved to the Color Channel of the PRT file).

If the above steps match exactly what you did and the result is a wrong color when rendering, then there is definitely something wrong and it could be a bug.

The various edits to the original message are very hard to follow, please post follow up messages to the thread when you find new facts about the bug.

Btw, if you feel more comfortable reporting the bugs in German instead of English, feel free to do so.


Borislav “Bobo” Petrov

Technical Director 3D VFX

Frantic Films Winnipeg

I apologize for my mistake.

I could not reproduce my preview resoults.

It was a specific max and not krakatoa bug.

Everything is working fine.

