Velocity to color without using vertex color channel

Hi All,

Instead of asking Beta forum, I think this is appropriate section for this question. I got velocity to color as in Bobo’s tutorial. But I want to display color without using vertex color channel.

I am using iRay for rendering which doesn’t support vertex color channel. So is there other way to transfer data to frost mesh?


Are you following this tutorial?

I’m sure there’s a better way, but this seemed to work for me in iray:1. Change the Magma modifier to output to the TextureCoord channel.

  1. Create an Autodesk Generic material.
  2. Place a Bitmap map in the material’s Generic_Image slot.
  3. Change the map’s tiling to 0.99.
  4. Create a bitmap file with a gradient that varies from blue on the left to white on the right.
  5. Assign this file to the bitmap map.
  6. Assign the material you created to Frost.
  7. Render.

Thanks Paul! yeah, I checked that tutorial. I tried texture coordinate output, But using gradient ramp map. btw Do I need to check “velocity to map channel” on frost mesh?

Yeah, I tried that first, and I couldn’t seem to get it to work.

No. In this case, I think you just want Frost to copy the TextureCoord from Magma. This is because you applied some operations in Magma (got the Velocity magnitude, and scaled it) that you want to keep in the TextureCoord channel. If you enable “Velocity to Map Channel” in Frost, then it will overwrite those changes you made.

Thanks Paul! I will try bitmap way. I have one more question :
How do frost read that information from PRT loader? (I mean if I am not going to add any KCM to frost but PRT loader)