Velocity with Tyflow & Redshift


My maintenance is expired so I can’t try but I was wondering if latest build is able to render velocity channel from a TyFlow particles system (with Redshift as renderer).

I tested with XMesh MX v1.7 in 3ds Max 2019 using Redshift 2.6.39.

I created a simple tyFlow emitting a Burst of 200 particles with Random 3D Speed set to Magnitude 10.0, 3D Cube Shape, Mesh (TriMesh [Render]), Split Per Frame 1.0 sending to a new Event with a Delete (On Entry) to kill some particles and cause IDs to change somewhat in the total stream.

I saved an XMesh Sequence of that setup and offset it a bit from the original tyFlow, so I could render them side by side and compare.

I first rendered in V-Ray Next with a Shutter of 0.99. Both particle systems produced identical motion blur.

Then I rendered in Redshift with Shutter Start 0.01, Shutter End 0.99, and Enable Deformation Blur checked. This gave me motion blur from the XMesh Loader, but no motion blur from the tyFlow. Without the Deformation Blur option, neither rendered any motion blur.

So I would say that yes, XMesh MX seems to produce a viable Velocity channel (I also visualized it as Mapping Channel 2 vertex color display and it looked sane) and it renders motion blur in Redshift.

However, there could be edge cases that it does not handle - my test was just too simple to uncover any.

You should probably try this with your existing XMesh MX 1.5 build, I don’t see why it would behave any differently. If you want to give the latest v1.7 a try in a newer version of 3ds Max, we can offer you a 14 days evaluation license to play with.

1.5 is not working with 2020 right ?
I’ve just send an email to sales :wink:


Correct. Only v1.7 works with 2020.

Got the trial, it works with a complex setup so I’m upgrading it :)))

In case someone needs it: atm looks like the only way to get a working velocity pass from Tyflow with another renderer than VRay